March 29th 2025
A change will do you good. Participate in something that interests you. A day trip, course, or spending time with people who make you think. Welcome challenges and discussions that help you help yourself. A social occasion will lead to a change of perspective and direction. Love and romance are in the stars. 3 stars
Dear Eugenia
I have written to you before and received no answer. I realize that I am somewhat prone to depression but I am trying to change. I have discovered that my husband has been carryi ...
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March 29th 2025
Happy Birthday: Set your sights on self-improvement, personal progress, and lifestyle changes centered around activities, people, and projects that make you feel good about yourself and your contributions. Look for openings that help you segway into positions that allow you to make a difference and overcome pitfalls standing between you and the life you want to live. Let your mind wander and encourage your creativity to lead the way. Your numbers are 8, 13, 21, 24, 27, 34, 45.