If you do not find the answer to your question in this section, please feel free to ask our webmaster by clicking the button on the front page or e-mailing us at webmaster@astroadvice.com

General Questions About The Site - Free Membership, Browsers, etc...

General Questions About AstroAdvice - Astrology, Birth Data, etc.


Natal Analysis

Daily Horoscope


Synastry (Romance Compatibility)

Erotica Analysis

Romance Analysis



I Ching

Nine Star Ki


General Questions About The Site - Free Membership, Browsers, etc...

General Questions About AstroAdvice - Astrology, Birth Data, etc.


Natal Analysis

Daily Horoscope


Synastry (Romantic Compatibility)

Erotica Analysis

Romance Analysis

Celebrity Astrology





Nine Star Ki

General Questions About The Site - Free Membership, Browsers, etc...

Is AstroAdvice totally free, with no strings attached?

AstroAdvice is completely FREE. If or when certain premium chargeable features are added to the site, you will first be notified of their availability and asked if you wish to participate at that time.

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Why do you need my e-mail address to register me as a member?

Your e-mail address is requested for two reasons 1) so we can notify you of new AstroAdvice features and services, and 2) to ensure we are adding "real people" and not numerous fictitious users who will bog down the database and overall system performance. 

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Will you sell my e-mail address to marketing companies that will then bother me with junk mail?

No, your e-mail address will not be sold or given to any other company. All AstroAdvice member information is kept completely confidential. 

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Why do I sometimes have trouble accessing the site?

If you regularly have problems getting in to the AstroAdvice site, please send us an e-mail at webmaster@astroadvice.com.Occasional delays or slow communication may be due to the high volume of traffic, either at the site or with your own Internet Service Provider. Also, from time to time, the system will be down for a short period of time for uploading new features or maintenance by our own ISP.  We do publish information on the site's peak usage time so you can plan your visits accordingly. 

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Must I use a particular type of browser?

If you could register successfully, then the browser you are currently using will not pose any problem in running AstroAdvice. We recommend Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or Netscape 3.0.

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How do I analyze another member right after the analysis of myself?

To analyze another member immediately after yourself or any other original member, you can either choose the logoff option from the member's side menu, or return to the AstroAdvice homepage (http://www.astroadvice.com).  You can then log on as a new member. 

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I am an AOL or Prodigy user. When I register myself as an AstroAdvice member, I only see a blank page or a screen of frozen data. What do I do?

The AOL/Prodigy browser that you are using probably does not support HTML 3.2. Please contact AOL/Prodigy to obtain a newly released version of the AOL browser that does support HTML 3.2.

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Can I print out my natal chart and interpretations?

Sure. Under the File menu of your browser, simply select the Print command and click on it.

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The words in the interpretations are too small to read easily -- can I enlarge them?

Yes. You can easily specify a larger font size or a bolder type in your browser to enhance the size and legibility of the displayed text in AstroAdvice.

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General Questions About AstroAdvice - Astrology, Birth Data, etc.

I once had an astrologer do my chart and find it's totally different than the one I got from AstroAdvice. Who is right?

AstroAdvice is based on classical western astrology. If there is a discrepancy between AstroAdvice's interpretations and other sources, please contact our webmaster and leave us your birth data. We will have a professional verify the accuracy of the results. A common cause of discrepancies is forgetting about Daylight Saving Time (DST) when registering your birth time. To revise your chart, click on the UPDATE MEMBER INFORMATION in the main menu to specify the new birth time, calculated by subtracting an hour from your recorded birth time.

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How important is the birth time?

This is a very important factor in the calculation of a correct birth chart. If you do not know your birth time, check with your parents. If you were born in a hospital, check with the hospital administration. It is well worth the effort to acquire a specific birth time in order to obtain the most accurate astrological analysis possible.

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I was born in the summer -- how do I adjust for Daylight Saving Time?

AstroAdvice does not allow for Daylight Saving Time (DST) in your birth chart calculation. Therefore, if you can confirm that your birth time was actually recorded as Daylight Saving Time, then you must subtract an hour to arrive at your actual, official birth time. In North America, the DST usually starts in the third week of April and lasts until late October. Please note DST in Europe is different from North America.

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What are the percentages (%) after each interpretation for?

The percentage indicates the level of significance of each interpretation. If you observe that there are conflicts in certain departments, the percentage enables you to identify which interpretation is more significant.

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What are the available features in AstroAdvice?

There are many features in AstroAdvice. To examine them, either click on the highlighted features in the graphic area of the main menu, or select any of the links on the vertical navigational bar on the left hand side. 

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Will there be more new features or is this it?

AstroAdvice is updated regularly with new features. By providing your e-mail address during registration, we can contact you whenever there are new features you'd like to know about. Furthermore, our webmaster may contact you to enable you to participate in beta testing new features if you are interested in providing feedback prior to their release. 

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Can I suggest a new feature?

Feel free to submit any or all suggestions to our webmaster and we will be happy to consider adding them. 

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How different is AstroAdvice analysis from the Zodiac sign horoscope?

Zodiac sign horoscopes essentially split all of humanity into twelve categories in accordance to the twelve Zodiac signs. AstroAdvice follows the true theory of astrology and charts a unique wheel chart and astrological interpretations for each person based on their specific birth data. Technologically, AstroAdvice is also quite different, using advanced software and systems to enable you to obtain your analysis instantly and interactively. 

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I was born on December 15 so my sign is Sagittarius. Why is it that my personality is more like a Gemini?

The sign where the sun was at the time that you were born is your Sun Sign. All the Zodiac daily horoscopes in the newspaper are based on your Sun Sign reading. In true astrology - the kind followed by AstroAdvice -- the sign in which your "ascendant" or the appearance of your first house is really the house that determines your character. For a better grasp of what true astrology is, you may want to review the Introduction to Astrology section.

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Why give me a chart if I can't understand a thing about it?

The making of the natal chart is the single most important part of astrological analysis. It is from this chart that all current and future interpretations are derived. The astrological symbols are displayed in the chart's legend to serve as a reference for those interested in learning how to interpret. You can get a better insight into all the symbols and the formulation of the chart in the Introduction to Astrology section. 

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How valid is astrology as a whole?

It's up to you to decide on this! AstroAdvice is designed for our members' entertainment and enlightenment, based on the classical theory of astrology, with interpretations done by a world renowned professional astrologer. 

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How can I get my first personalized astrological reading from AstroAdvice?

AstroAdvice is an on-line real time system that is fully automated and interactive. To enter your birth data for your first readings, you must first register by clicking on New Members. Once the registration is done, you can come back to the main page and click on Members. From that point on, every kind of analysis you request will be performed automatically and instantaneously. 

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I registered but when I input User Name and Password, I was told that I could not get in -- why?

The User Name and Password are case-sensitive. That is 'Marian' is different from 'MARIAN' or 'marian'. Ensure that you have entered the correct upper and lower cases for both the User Name and Password. If after numerous attempts, you still cannot successfully enter into the main menu of AstroAdvice, please notify the webmaster and ask us to look up your User ID and password (please ensure that your full registered name is specified in your e-mail).

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What do I do if I have switched to another Internet Service Provider and have a new e-mailaddress?

Please contact the webmaster and inform him of your old and new e-mail addresses.

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I forgot my User ID and Password and re-registered myself under a slightly different name. Is this okay?

We do not encourage you to do this as our database will get bloated very quickly and this will have a negative impact on performance. Please contact the webmaster to get your original ID and password if you forget and advise us so we can delete any unnecessary registrations.

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When I registered, my birthplace was not in the listing. What do I do?

You can either pick a city that is closest to your birthplace (say within 60 km or 100 miles) or use the graphical map to pinpoint it as closely as you can. Once you click on your birthplace on the map, AstroAdvice will automatically calculate its longitude and latitude.

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Natal Analysis

Oops! I checked my birth time with my parents and found I was really born at a different time. How do I change it?

To alter your birth data, click on UPDATE MEMBER INFORMATION in the main menu (the page after your User ID and Password entry) and change the time accordingly.

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How important is it to have an exact birth time?

It's always good to input the most accurate birth time possible, even though many people can only determine the time based on a "guesstimate" from their parents. The time affects the determination of the house divisions since the planets on a birth date are fixed while only the houses are shifted. If the "guessed" time and the real time fall within the same houses, then the interpretations will be the same. But, if they fall within different houses, then the interpretations could be significantly different. There are some astrologers who perform calibration of birth time for subjects. The method they use is to perform "Transit analysis" by casting a Daily Horoscope based on a given birth time and then determining if some major event correctly coincides with the interpretation results. If the events predicted in the chart did not occur, the astrologer will change the time and repeat the exercise again until the events and the readings coincide, and a birth time is calibrated. Although this can be a time-consuming process, AstroAdvice is an automated astrology calculator that makes it possible for you to actually do this on your own.

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I'd like to have an accurate analysis but what can I do if I don't know my birth time?

There are two methods in AstroAdvice to determine the houses -- the Placidous and the Equal House method. The latter is a newer and less employed method but the advantage is that it has a built-in mechanism to compensate for the inaccuracy of house determination if the birth time is not known. Try out the Equal House method and assume a birth time of 7:00 AM. If the interpretation is similar to your own personality traits, we suggest you use this method instead of the default Placidous House method. 

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My birthplace is not in the database. I used the built-in atlas but I'm afraid that the birthplace may not be perfectly pinpointed. Does it matter?

It's always good to input your exact birthplace so that the Longitude and Latitude are correct. You can refer to an atlas to do this or go to the site http://www.astro.ch/atlas/ and get the right figures there (just make sure you record the right time zone).If you were born in a town that is not found in the atlas, but it is in the vicinity (say 60 miles or 100 km) of a major city that is listed in the atlas, use that city.

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Daily Horoscope

What is the "star" rating on the daily horoscope mean?

The stars are an emotion indicator determining how favorable your day will be.
* One star it's best to avoid conflicts, work behind the scenes or read a good book.
* Two stars you can accomplish but don't rely on others for help.
* Three stars if you focus you will reach your goals.
* Four stars you can pretty much do as you please, a good time to start new projects.
* Five stars nothing can stop you now, go for the gold.

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Why is it that my Daily Horoscope hasn't seemed to have changed in the past week?

Your Daily Horoscope must contain some interpretations which are different from the Daily Horoscopes of the recent past. Look closely at the interpretations and compare the latest ones with those from seven days ago.You'll find that there are always paragraphs which are either added to the existing or totally new to the previous interpretations.

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What are the percentages (%) after each interpretationfor?

The percentage indicates the level of significance of each interpretation. If you observe that there are conflicts in certain departments, the percentage enables you to identify which interpretation is more significant.

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What is the difference between the Zodiac Daily Horoscope and the AstroAdvice Personalized Daily Horoscope?

The Zodiac Daily Horoscope is similar to the usual zodiac sign analysis found in newspaper and magazines. It's based on the lunar cycle without requiring any individual information as input so an astrologer simply makes predictions based on the moon movement. Readers look up the horoscope interpretation that belongs to their particular sign. This approach is simple but leads to readings that are very generalized. Personalized horoscopes require an individual's birth data. Their unique natal chart is compiled, with the planetary positions of the horoscopic date then superimposed on it. By examining the alignment of the natal planets with the horoscopic date planets, astrologers are able to predict events that are unique to the individual. This method is complex but the readings are much more accurate. AstroAdvice provides members with both Zodiac and Personalized Daily Horoscopes.

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Why is it that I always have long term effects but no short term?

If there are only long term effects in a department/house (of the twelve available), the interpretation is primarily derived from the planets in the outer orbits of the solar system. Since these planets move very slowly (less than 1 degree with respect to earth), the planetary aspects (the alignment of the planets at the time you were born and the planets as of the horoscopic date) will last for a long period of time. As a result, the interpretations derived from such planetary aspects will be long term effects. The long term effect may not be felt all the time so it is usually more important to look into the short term effects if they do exist in a particular department.

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In the Daily Horoscope, why is it that some interpretations are repeated?

Due to the Aspect analysis (how the planets of the day aligned with the planets at the time of birth), some interpretations are indeed repeated since the slow moving planets such as Pluto, Uranus hardly move within a day or two.If some interpretations are repeated every day, they are definitely arising from the outer planets which, relative to the position of earth, are moving very slowly around the sun. As a result, the same position of these planets in the same houses leads to the same or similar conclusions and interpretations. The repetition of the interpretation implies that the event is a trend that may last for awhile rather than be a transient occurrence.

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Can I chart my Astrodex for the whole year?

Yes. Presently, AstroAdvice allows you to do a Astrodex for one week or two. After you have obtained the first Astrodex curve, input your same data for the next two weeks and then the two weeks after that. With this method, you can plot your Astrodex curves for as long a period as you want.

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What is 2D or 3D in the input section?

Astrodex lets you output your bio-rhythm plot either two dimensionally or three dimensionally. Most people like the 3D presentation best but some prefer the 2D for its more precise data interpretation.

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I can't see the Legend of the Astrodex - what do the red, blue and green colors stand for?

If you pan the screen to the right by moving the horizontal slider in your browser screen, you should be able to see the legend. The colors stand for: Physical - Red, Emotional - Blue, Intellectual - Green.

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Synastry (Romantic Compatibility)

I'd like to measure my compatibility with my boyfriend as exactly as possible but I don't have his birth time. What should I do?

Don't worry -- just enter his birth date. The Love Thermometer will still provide a rating with 95% accuracy, even without having the exact birth time. In these cases, AstroAdvice assumes the time to be at noon so the only possible difference in the actual position of your boyfriend's planets comes from the Moon. The Moon moves about 12 degrees a day so by putting the moon at the position of noon time, there is an inaccuracy of only 6 degrees at most. 

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In the Synastry, there is no mention of the birthplace of my boyfriend so how can it be accurate?

True, the Ascendant of your boyfriend is very important, and the Ascendant can only be determined if his birth place information is input by AstroAdvice. But, don't forget that you can always register your boyfriend as a member and have him analyzed also. If you don't register your boyfriend, and have already performed a synastry study of two of you, you're likely missing some important information. To get the best out of this system, you should register him and then do a synastry study under his account. By combining your two analyses, you'll have as complete a picture as possible.

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When I did my boyfriend's chart after mine, I got a perfect score in the Synastry. Why?

You did not exit the browser after you have registered the other person. To do his analysis, you must exit the browser, then open the browser and go to the AstroAdvice site again. When prompted, enter his User ID and Password by overwriting the default ones.

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Why is it that our Love Thermometer readings are different when I did the Synastry of myself with my boyfriend, and then his chart with myself on it?

How you relate to him is different from how he relates to you. Despite the fact that you love each other, the degree of your love for the other person may be different so you'll find that the Love Thermometer reflects this difference.

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The two Love Thermometer readings of my boyfriend's chart with my planets and my chart with his planets are quite different. How do I interpret this?

Average the points. If you get between 65% to 85%, the compatibility is excellent. Watch out though -- if your planets on his chart gives a very low score, and the score is very high in your chart with his planets, then the relationship could be very one-sided.

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Erotica Analysis

Is the Erotica Analysis really personalized for me? 

There are things in it that have never happened to me!  The Erotica Analysis is based on the personalized chart derived from your own unique birth data. There are particular elements of the analysis that may or may not apply to an individual, but the overall view is accurate, with many of our members telling us that it's the most amazingly accurate analysis that they've found in AstroAdvice.

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How do I use the Erotica Bio-Rhythm curve? 

The curve is based on your original Erotica Analysis profile, on which we overlay the planets of the time interval in your natal chart. The ups and downs show the trend of your bio-response in the departments of sex and health.

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Romance Analysis

Is 55% or less considered to be a bad compatibility between two people?

In our statistics that we have collected over the past few years, the couples who gave us the feedback that they have been happily together usually obtain a rating around 60-70%.

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When I put my boyfriend's planets on my chart, I obtain 80%; but when he put my birthdate on his chart under his account, how come he only got 72%?

What the Love Thermometer shows is how he is related to you, and the latter case is how you are related to him. The degree of how one is related to another and visa versa must be different since we are considering two separate individuals. If the percentage are very close to each other, then it means both of you are well related to each other.

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What is the difference between the Compatibility readings and the Daily Romance Compatibility readings?

The former is based on the natal chart. The readings represent the permanent readings about the compatibility of two people. The Daily readings are a measure of the different degree of compatibility between two people in various areas on a particular date.

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If I put my boyfriend's birth data on my chart, I could get a reading of how he is related to me, how do I find out how I am related to him?

Please do not register another account for your boyfriend, what you can do is to click on the UPDATE MEMBERSHIP in the left hand navigational bar or in the menu; alter your name to your boyfriend's name. Update your birth data with his birth data. The above enables you to change your account to your boyfriend's account. You can take this chance to study his personality traits by clicking on Self. To do the Love Thermometer reading, input your on birth data as the person to test for compatibility. The percentage is a measure of how you are related to him. Don't forget to do the membership update by changing your boyfriend's birth data back to yours.

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Celebrity Astrology

I notice that some celebrities' birth times are set at noon, is it correct?

We cannot verify some of the celebrities' birth time, thus setting their birth time at noon. It is still the most valid approach to provide a personality trait study. Since the moon is the only planet that moves very quickly, on a particular date, an astrological study of a person's personality traits could be very accurate given that the geographical location of the person is known. The only readings that might be missing would be the influence of the moon since it may be mislocated due to the inaccuracy of the birth time.

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When can we get the outlook of next year?

Traditionally, we release our outlook of the following year in early December.

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Is it numerology or astrology?

Our AstroNumbers is based on numerology to extract the master lucky number. With the master lucky number determined, our algorithm further applies the number to the moon's position to astrologically generate a set of numbers at the instance of request, thus enabling you to generate personalized lucky numbers at any point in time.

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Why do you have to charge us since the rest of the site is free?

AstroGuidance is a very unique feature. It has taken our programmers over a year to work out a strategy to implement Eugenia Last's approach to analyzing timing issues. Each question consists of a software engine to provide dedicated analysis of one's astrological chart and a particular timing issue. Since each engine must perform analyses day by day over a span of a month up to six months, the resources that are required to deliver the solution is very expensive. Furthermore, the development of an engine for each question is extremely labour intensive. In order to sustain our FREE service, we must charge our member a small fee to justify the very expensive investment in the development of AstroGuidance.

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If I have a question that is not in the Q&A of AstroGuidance, can I make a request to the AstroAdvice team to develop a solution to the question?

Yes, email us at AstroGuidance@AstroAdvice.com, our technical team and Eugenia Last will determine whether we can implement your proposal promptly.

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How can I reprint or retrieve the results of a question that I have already asked, I do not want to re do the Q&A for it cost me another set of credits?

You can click on the Account Status, AstroGuidance will immediately give you a run down of the credits that you have purchased and spent. The history of your AstroGuidance usage is also listed, click on any of the listed Q&A usage, your previous results will be automatically listed.

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Is it secure to submit my credit card to AstroGuidance to purchase credits?

Yes, it is very secure with VeriSign endorsement.

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How do I buy more than 10 credits all at once?

Under the quantity column, there is a drop down box with an arrow pointing downward; click on the down arrow to drop down a list of number of units of 10 credits that you would prefer to purchase. Update the purchase, you will see that the Total will reflect the number of credits that you will purchase.

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I Ching

In I Ching, there are usually two types of output, one is the current, the other is a projected reading for the future, where are they?

Yes, there are two sets of readings as you have described in our I Ching analysis. The first set of readings are the current, the second set are the future.

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Nine Star Ki is extremely difficult to understand, can you make it easier to use?

The nature of this subject is extremely difficult to understand, it is mostly philosophical rather than basic astrological interpretations. We have attempted to simplify this philosophy to provide a reading of directions-which direction is best for you to travel this week; which direction should my front door be facing…etc.. Our users are recommended to employ the suggested directions for their daily activities.

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