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(August 23 - September 22)

March 17th 2025
Live and learn. Changing your surroundings will spark your imagination and help you understand what's possible. Engage in discussions with someone you trust to give you a unique perspective of a situation you face, and it will help you make better choices. Don't let waffling be your downfall. 4 stars

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Dear Eugenia

Friendly Advice

Dear Eugenia,

It is the first time that I am writing to you. I know you are an astrologer. Recently, I feel upset because of an emotional relationship and would like to seek your advice. I wa ...

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Birthday / Numbers

March 17th 2025
Happy Birthday: Take a step in a positive direction and plan to fill your heart with joy. It's time to put time aside for the people, pastimes, and places that make you happy. Put your energy into whatever you find revitalizing, stimulating, and personally gratifying. Put a schedule in place and your energy where it counts, and head into the future with courage and hope for a better future. Your numbers are 4, 17, 22, 27, 30, 35, 43.

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