


There is no substitute for discipline, especially near the beginning of an undertaking. It is of the utmost importance. Lapses must be met with appropriate severity or the problem will never be dealt with.

There are many distractions from your studies. At this time you must summon up extra reserves of self-discipline and keep you attention on your work. Avoid unnecessary socializing in particular. It will use up energy you need to learn, and distract you from your academic pursuits. You must balance study and entertainment in order to succeed.

You are in a continual state of flux. Discover the changes that abound you.

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Birthday / Numbers

March 29th 2025
Happy Birthday: Set your sights on self-improvement, personal progress, and lifestyle changes centered around activities, people, and projects that make you feel good about yourself and your contributions. Look for openings that help you segway into positions that allow you to make a difference and overcome pitfalls standing between you and the life you want to live. Let your mind wander and encourage your creativity to lead the way. Your numbers are 8, 13, 21, 24, 27, 34, 45.

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