


There are few virtues more blessed than that of generosity. To give to others is a blessed thing. Rulers who give to their people and rule in benevolence with the heart of their followers. To lead others with virtue and honesty is the key to attaining political stability.

You have a generous soul with much love to give. And your insightful nature enables you to see through the exterior of another. This other individual, for whom you have strong and growing feelings, may seem stern, cold, perhaps uninterested. This situation may prevail for some time. It will take time, and tenacity on your part to break through their tough shell. But you will persevere. You will not allow yourself to be deterred by the insecurity of an individual who lives unaware of the deep emotions inside. Your affectionate persistence will win in the end.

You are in a continual state of flux. Discover the changes that abound you.

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Birthday / Numbers

May 8th 2024
Happy Birthday: Put your higher mind to work and make things happen. Step into the spotlight, share your thoughts and plans, and find out who is ready to support your actions. It's time to lead the way, to make yourself heard, and to make your pursuits a reality. You can make a difference within your community, family, or globally. Personal changes and self-improvement will lead to satisfaction. Your numbers are 5, 16, 24, 29, 33, 41, 48.

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