Monday, 17th March, 2025

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Friendly Advice

Dear Eugenia,

It is the first time that I am writing to you. I know you are an astrologer. Recently, I feel upset because of an emotional relationship and would like to seek your advice. I was born in January 29, 1973 at between 4:00am to 5:00am. This past August, I met a boy who was born in February 29, 1968 (I don't know his birth time). I started going out with him but lately I have found that we don't have much in common to talk about. My friends suggested that we should try to work out for a longer period. I don't what to do. Can you tell me if we are compatible? You advice is much appreciated.


Dear Uncertain

The comparison with your Pisces mate is actually quite favorable. In this case your friends are giving you some good advice to hang in and see where it goes. Unfortunately I feel that you probably just aren't ready to get involved right now. Consider talking to him and telling him that for now you just want to be friends. Possibly if you let your friendship grow you may find that you have more in common. I think that he is probably holding back for fear that you won't like him. Your chart indicates that he is already in a high cycle regarding love and romantic relationships and that your chart will not come into this cycle until the second half of next year. If you decide not to give this young man a chance you should keep in mind that you do match up to his sign as well as to the signs Taurus, Cancer and Virgo as well.


Article: From Sandy

Hi Eugenia!

I know you are busy, but I was just wondering if you were going to be able to answer my e-mails concerning the future for my ex-boyfriend and me. I don't really want to get into the details again as it would take too long, but I have written to you at least twice before, maybe 3 times, explaining our situation and my dilemma and asking for your advice. As it stands now, we are not together and haven't been since last October. We haven't spoken since January 9th, at which time he was still not willing to even commit to me to the extent that he had before we split up in September of 2003. And at that time, his extent of commitment was less than I could accept, which is why I moved out. The last time we spoke, I told him for the millionth time not to call me until he was serious about trying to make things work between us because it hurts too much. Although as I said, I had told him this before to no avail, this time it must have sunk in because we haven't spoken since. I work in a convenience store, and I did see him drive thru the parking lot one day, and he has been in the store twice when I wasn't there. He also has called my house 3 or 4 times and hung up without leaving a message. And once he called while I wasn't home and left a message saying, "he just wanted to hear my voice". Please Eugenia, can you tell me what you see happening for us in the future? I still love him and am so in love with him. I miss him like crazy and a day doesn't go by that I don't think about him. Do you see us getting back together in the future? I feel like he's my soul mate, and he says the same about me. Do you think that maybe if we are apart for a while he may learn to appreciate me and the relationship we had together, or do you think it's pretty much a lost cause? Please help Eugenia, I feel so confused. I was born February 16, 1963 at 12:10 p.m. in Dayton, Ohio and Roger was born December 21, 1958 at 1:15 p.m. in San Bernardino, California.


Hi Sandy

You do match up to your Sagittarius mate quite well and it's a shame that you aren't together however I believe that it is a commitment problem on his part. If you have followed my work you are aware of the number of times I have mentioned that Sagittarius is the one sign that has a terrible time with commitment. They are the born bachelors of the zodiac and no matter how much they love someone the thought of being confined by or committed to someone is quite horrifying. I do believe that this man loves you and that he isn't likely to find someone that he has as great a comparison with but yikes trying to get him to commit may take a lifetime. There is one hope however and that is that beginning this Summer the planet Saturn is moving into the sign Leo for approximately two and a half years and during that time he just might feel a little more comfortable with the whole settling down thing. For you the best thing to do is not to push commitment but to enjoy this man for who he is. After all that's who you fell in love with. I'm not saying that you should put up with poor behavior or not being treated well but as long as he is doing his part I don't think I would worry so much about signing a piece of paper or saying your vows. All too many times I have seen couples live together for a number of years and when the one finally convinces the other to do the legal trip down the aisle it often leads to a complete break down of the relationship within a year or two after finally getting married. Reevaluate what you really want out of this relationship - the man himself or his vow to never leave you. Please keep in mind that there are no guarantees even if you do tie the knot.


Article: From Virgo

Dear Eugenia,

I am going through a breakup in my marriage of 15 years. It has been a very rocky marriage with control and mistrust on my part, and dishonesty and no loyalty on her part, and we haven't been friends in a long time, to name the most major problems. We were in turmoil for 4 weeks before we had an argument and then have been separated for 5 weeks now and have really had some nasty times. Some of the things she has said are very hurtful, and I don't know what is true and what is not. I think that most men would not stick around to hear the things she has been saying, but for some reason I can't seem to stop loving her and wanting her to come back to build on what we have or had. I have heard that she hasn't been in love with me in years- she was just "settling" or "getting by". I do now recognize some signs of her feeling this way, but I have a hard time seeing it being as much as she says. When we weren't mad at each other, there was always holding hands, cuddling, kissing, that type thing that after 15 years a lot of partners don't do as much as we did. I have really come to the realization that my mistrust and controlling manners have to change no matter what- and we're very misplaced with her. Basically, I realize that she came home to me every night, and now she doesn't- that's all that matters to me now. She wants some space to figure out who she is and has sometimes said things that give me hope (false hope is how she words it). She has also said several times that it is over and she just wants to move on. I can't seem to get my head into "moving on" as every one tells me to. I also can't seem to leave her alone and give her space. I am obsessed with trying to talk to her to start becoming friends- but it just makes her angrier and turns into a nasty fight sometimes. I don't know how to control my urge to not leave her alone because my whole life seems to be just falling apart without her beside me.

Can you guide me into a more secure or comfortable place?

Sorry I don't know the time of her or my birth. Her day was May 2/60 and mine is Sept. 11/66.


Dear Virgo

The comparison does indicate trouble. There is a lack of trust and communication along with deception and anger. Uncertainty will always be a problem between the two of you regardless of whether you stay together or not. You need to let go. You have a good chart and if you can only realize that you were totally mismatched regarding your values and hers you might be able to move on. You match up to people born under the signs Taurus (not her - I'll explain later), Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. She may be a Taurus but only by Sun sign. She has her natal Mercury and Venus in the sign Aries and this sign does not match up to you at all. Mercury and Venus represent the way she thinks and communicates along with her morals, ethics and Venus represent the way she loves etc. What actually drew you together was the fact that you both have your Moon in the sign Cancer but that isn't enough to make a relationship work. She is erratic and can change her mind very rapidly. She wants to have fun and she needs freedom to come and go as she pleases. You need companionship, trust and someone who wants to be with you all the time. This connection just won't work that way. We are who we are and as much as either one of you may want to change I fear that the same problems will continually surface. You are headed toward lots of changes and you have to wrap your head around that and accept the inevitable. Should she even entertain the thought of getting back together it wouldn't be long before she would want to move on again. Let go and start anew. I believe that she has decided to do just that. The only time I see a possible reconciliation is this fall however as I mentioned before - should you get back together it would only be for a short period of time be

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