Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: An Astrological Contradiction

Dear Eugenia

Please clarify why some astrologers claim Taurus and Scorpio are not compatible at all, while others will claim that this relationship will either be "all" good or "all bad. I am a Taurus born May 3 1948 at 12 AM and he is Scorpio. We are planning on living together soon. Being I love him dearly, I want us to have the happiness we were denied in our previous marriage to other partners and want to make this work for us. For some reason, I feel I will have to put more effort into this relationship than he will, and I don't mind as long as this union is permanent, honest, loving, and we can share our dreams and future together. What is your belief of this relationship having permanency? Your comment will be truly appreciated. Thank you!

Love Connection

Dear Love Connection

Considering the fact that you did not submit your Scorpio's birth data I can't tell you much about your connection with one another and I suggest that you let the compatibility feature on my web site do that for you. I can however tell you that your chart indicates that you fall in love quickly and you do make mistakes where love is concerned. With what your chart is going through currently I would be cautious because you are extremely changeable right now. In other words you may not feel the same way two years from now therefore if it isn't important to get married I would suggest that you keep your finances and other important issues separate for the time being. At your age living together with the right legal documentation is probably your best bet. I can understand your attraction to the sign Scorpio with your natal Moon being in Pisces but your Venus is in Gemini conjunct your natal Uranus therefore I have to wonder if your Scorpio partner has any Sagittarius in his chart. You are obviously quite a catch so don't sell yourself short or think that you have to do more work than he does. Partnership is a shared investment, if it becomes one-sided it usually doesn't work.


Article: Uncertain Ground

Hello Eugenia,

My DOB: 01-31-1979 5:30pm. The DOB of my boyfriend: 06-01-1979 9:10am

I am interested in astrology and have read many books on this subject. Therefore, I quite understand myself. But I want to know more about interpersonal relationships. For example, how can I find out the solutions to conflicts.

I write to you to talk about the relationship with my boyfriend. Although I have checked the compatibility from romance section on your site, the percentages we got are different. I guess the higher percentage I got, the more suitable I would be to him. Is it like that?

My natal moon was in Pisces, so I always have an insecure feeling when it comes to love. I am afraid to be hurt. Since the Venus was in the fifth house (Sagittarius), I should be able to release this feeling. But why do I care whether my lover be serious to me and whether I am the only lover for him? Why do I always think of him? Both his natal Venus and Mars are in Taurus, he should be serious and possessive when it comes to love. But he is also a sun Gemini and Moon Leo. I am afraid that he may lose interest in me or in this relation very soon. May I know in more details about his attitude towards love? What will happen between us? What kinds of problems we may have and how to tackle them?

Serious Relationship

Dear Serious Relationship

The comparison is workable however like all relationships it isn't perfect. You will not always agree with one another and at times I believe that you may both lack honesty regarding what it is you truly want out of life. His natal Neptune being in Sagittarius conjunct your natal Neptune and Venus in an area that deals with children could result in sorrow regarding pregnancy, raising children or even agreeing on having children. In his birth chart his natal Neptune is opposite his natal Mercury and this can result in evading issues or not being completely upfront with you. It will be important that you both communicate openly and honestly in order to build your relationship on solid ground. With your natal Moon adversely aspected to your natal Venus conjunct Neptune it makes it difficult for you to feel secure regarding affairs of the heart. This is something that you will have to work on by building your own self-esteem and confidence. If you feel good about yourself your insecurities will diminish. This relationship can work but you must not be so needy. Your man is a Gemini but when it comes to love he does have his natal Venus in Taurus and that is usually a sign of loyalty, stability and staying power however with his Mercury in Gemini you are right in assuming that you will have to keep up with him in order to stimulate his mind. You are both moving into a period that is more conducive to settling down over the course of the next two to three years. If you talk to one another about your likes, dislikes, needs and desires you should be able to move forward in a positive manner.


Article: An Attraction That May Not Last

Dear Eugenia

Please let this be one of the letters you answer this week. I am absolutely in awe of my new friend of eight months. I was born July 2, 1973 at 4:57am and he was born January 4, 1965, I don't know his birth time. But, I do know that I have never respected, admired and been infatuated with anyone like this in my life. I would like to know if you look at both of our charts, can you explain this magnetic attraction that we have for each other that has not seemed to fade? Please write me back.


Dear Enamoured

Hold on, the fact that you are polar opposites can create the type of magic that you are both feeling however that doesn't always last. I call the stage that you are in right now the rush of love and although we would all love that feeling to last a lifetime it usually doesn't last much more than a couple of years if you are lucky. When the rush slows down you have to hope that you have built a strong base of friendship, sharing, caring and all the other things that make a relationship lasting. In your particular case the comparison was okay but that doesn't mean that it won't take work. You are both very different and it will be important that you allow one another to remain unique without shutting the other out because of lack of interest in the same things. Tread carefully, but enjoy what you have at the moment. There is no greater feeling than the rush of love.


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