We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle. Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?
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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.
For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.
I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.
The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:
Dear Eugenia,
I have a 4-year-old daughter born on 6th May 1996 at 4.45pm. She has started to have bouts of severe blinking. I am very concerned about her health and doctors cannot seem to give me much in the way of answers and it seems to be worse at the moment. I would love any advice as I am at my wits end with worry.
Mother In Despair
Dear Mother In Despair
Your daughter was born with her natal Saturn at an adverse angle to her natal Moon and natal Venus and this can cause problems with her vision. In turn this can result in the severe blinking. However, if you have already checked this out I believe that the other problem that could be causing her blinking is stress. Where lower education is concerned she can have difficult experiences with her peers as well as with her teachers. You will have to keep a close eye on what is actually happening to her in her school environment. Her home situation does not appear to be that happy for her right now. I believe that there is some uncertainty, deception or escapism that is affecting her. Possibly someone in the family is abusive in some way. Either abuses alcohol or is verbally harsh and she is not reacting well to this. Your daughter is highly intuitive and imaginative and although you may not be picking up on someone's actions as being caustic I believe that she is. In many ways I feel that your daughter has intuitive abilities that are highly confusing for her right now. She is picking up all sorts of information that is not necessarily spoken out loud. This can be very upsetting for someone her age. The best way to help her is to open up communication and encourage her to talk to you about the way she feels and the thoughts and dreams that she is having. I know that this may sound far-fetched to you but it is what shows up in her chart. I hope that this will help you to help her. As she grows older and has a better understanding of how intuitive and creative she is she will be able to put her talents to good use and the severe blinking should diminish.
Dear Eugenia,
My name is Wanda and this is my situation. I am married with two kids. I have been married for one year and eight months. After four months of being married my husband was with another girl. I know this because I came home and I found hickeys on his neck and I went in my bedroom and found a condom on the floor. That's when we started not getting along and I turned to my friends for help and support. I was talking to my husband's friend and we started to get closer and it turned out that we started to see each other every weekend and we started fooling around with each other and now we are seeing each other every now and then. My husband knows because he found us together. I am really in love with my husband's friend and I want to stay with him. But my husband won't let me leave him; he won't let me go. My husband is thirty years old, eight years older than I. We met in 1991 and have been together until this time. I really want to let go of him. I am not in love with him anymore. All I feel for him is friendship. I want to finish school as well and if I stay with him I would not have that opportunity. He is to jealous. We have three kids together 2girls & 1 boy. My daughter seven, son Tyler is six, my youngest is four. I gave up my first daughter at two weeks old because I was only thirteen years of age. Now that I am twenty-two and I want more out of life. I made a mistake getting married at a young age. We got married on August 15 of 98. Could you give me advice about my life. I was born February 5, 1978, at 2:30 PM.
Mixed Up
Dear Mixed Up
Wanda, get a grip. You're twenty-two, you have the rest of your life ahead of you. Get your act together and get out of the situation you're in. You are with a man who obviously doesn't respect you or the marriage vows you took. Although you didn't submit his birth data or that of his friends I'd venture to say by your chart that you have been manipulated for some time with regard to relationships. Take your two children and get out of there before your boys think that it's okay to treat a woman the way you're being treated. Secondly, two wrongs don't make a right. Fooling around with one of your husband's friends is not the answer. You need to get back to basics and sort out your feelings and your life before you get involved with someone else. You are best to seek help first. You should be doing whatever you can to remove the children and yourself from your current situation. There are homes that will take you in with your children if you are abused and if your husband is jealous, refusing to let you leave, and running around on you, that should be enough for you to get help. If you have family to turn to, do so. However, if your parents let you hang out with this man when you were thirteen and he was twenty-one I have a feeling that they won't be much help now. By your chart I can tell you that your home environment is moving into better times but it will take your initiative to turn things around for yourself so get moving. You are in a high cycle where learning is concerned and you should be taking advantage of this. You can apply for social assistance to help you and your kids. You should also look into courses that the government offers to those who want to make life better for them self. You live in a country that gives so much to those-in-need that there is no excuse for anyone to put up with the lifestyle that you are living right now. Get moving girl, and don't look back. You owe that much to your children and to yourself.
Dear Ms. Last:
I don't know how many letters you have received regarding gay relationships, but I'm sure this won't be your first. I've been with my boyfriend for three months now, he is an Aquarius born on February 12, 1979. I am a Cancer born on July 8, 1978, at 2:11 in the afternoon.
We've been experiencing some difficulties within the integrity of the relationship. As a Cancer, I tend to be very smothering, and sometimes I can inundate an individual too much. My boyfriend recently told me that he wants to take a break because he is confused. He became very cold and insipid in the last week, and seemed to be very standoffish. As a typical Cancer, my emotions have been running the gamut lately, and I am just wondering if this break will be permanent or temporary. I am willing to give him the space he needs, after all, I need my own identity as well. I am willing to compromise and make this work. When I've asked him SEVERAL times if he would rather be with someone else, he has replied that he can't think of touching anyone else but me. I really believe David to be a person of pure heart and good intentions, and my trust, which wanes at times, is restored in him. I just hope that fate has something planned for us. I would also like to know, that despite the low reading on the compatibility between David and I, the connection feels much stronger. Thank you for your insight...Your site and work is wonderful!
Hoping this is true love,
Dear Cancer
The area in your chart that deals with relationships is going through a make it or break it period. The summer is a perfect time for you to take a break from your confused Aquarius partner. You need time as well. You are correct to say that your comparison wasn?t great, workable yes, but not easy. I can tell that you will be coming into a high cycle next summer that should bring someone into your life who is probably better for you. If you let this Aquarius fill the void in your life he will only be standing in the way when someone terrific wants to be with you. This could cause you to miss out on a relationship that could be the love of your life. Your Aquarius is going through a period that is extremely confusing. He is uncertain about himself and his future. He doesn?t really know what he wants and although he is capable of remaining loyal it is not one of his priorities. You are sensitive and willing to be blind to the problems that the two of you are facing. You will not win in this situation if you do try to make it work. Your Aquarius will not compromise or give as much to this relationship as you will and in turn you will eventually feel used. Please consider moving on. Focus on work, making money, investments, your home and so on until next summer when you will be in a much better position to fall in love. You match up well to those born under the signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.