Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Somewhere In Space

Dear Eugenia-

I am a (almost) 16 year old girl sag born December 14, 1984, at 12:23 AM. Both my moon and my ascendant are in Virgo, I have heard that Virgo's are pretty down to earth and grounded individuals. I am NOT either of those. On the contrary, I spend most of my time day dreaming and thinking about the future instead of the present. I am more interested in thinking up future projects than doing present ones.

I am also constantly in a dream world. I like to spend my time in my head, thinking about places that don't exist. This type of thinking has put more pressure on me to do well in school and I am falling behind. Could you tell me what part of my natal chart and any transits that are causing this behavior, and how to combat it. It's really getting in the way of my studies and I would like to try and stay in the real world.

-day dreamer

Dear -day dreamer

Your ascendant is very late Virgo therefore you have a far stronger Libra influence in your first house. As for your Virgo Moon it is hidden in your 12th house making it less obvious. The fact that you do have your Moon in Virgo however coupled with your Sun, Mercury and Uranus in another mutable sign (Sagittarius) is contributing to your daydreaming right now because transiting Jupiter is moving through Gemini. Now this doesn't have to be a bad thing. It does mean that you want to learn and discover and expand your horizons however if what they are trying to teach you doesn't interest you it can cause you to wonder off mentally to things that capture your imagination. This transit and your planets in Sagittarius run across the 3rd and 9th houses in your chart which represent lower and higher education therefore the problem is affecting your schoolwork. This transit will pass but not until May/June of next year so buckle down and force yourself to work a little harder. If need be get extra help, talk to your teachers, or do whatever you can to get through this hard to focus period. You are also moving through a period that is favorable for socializing but don't be lead astray by friends. With transiting Neptune sitting on your Venus in your 5th house you could easily end up in a sorrowful situation. The best outlet for you during this period is one that is creative.


Article: From Third Wheel

Hi Eugenia

Here is my problem. My husband of 17 years (September 19,1959.) He has been visiting my ex-girlfriend, I tell him I don't like it, he's says he's doing nothing wrong that they are just friends and nothing more. This causes me pain and our marriage isn't that great these days. I was born Feb.15 1960 at 1:39pm. I'm wondering if I should stay with him or leave. We have two children and I really want to work this out and not feel so insecure. Thanks for any suggestions.

Third Wheel

Dear Third Wheel

Your comparison with your husband is adequate however you are moving into a period of time that could take the relationship either way. The unfortunate thing is that your husband has broken the code of ethics that two people usually have with one another and that is sticking together on issues that concern relatives and friends. If you and your girlfriend no longer see one another there must be a good reason for that and therefore he should stand behind your decision not to see her and do the same. You did not give me her birth data so it's difficult for me to be sure that nothing is going on between the two of them however according to his chart I do believe that he has been confused and questioning his life so he could be planning to make changes in his person life within the year. This is a difficult situation for you to be in and I feel that if you care about this man and your family that you suggest counseling or at least start talking about the options available if you want this marriage to work. You are both heading toward your second half-life Saturn, him this year and you next. This is usually a time when decisions and changes are made. As I mentioned the comparison is okay but as a couple you both need to work at this relationship much harder if you really want it to survive.


Article: A Second Chance

Dear Eugenia

First of all, I just wanted to inform you that I admire you for all the advice you have given people. You have been blessed with the gift of astrology on your side and you have used it to help others. I totally admire that. I guess that is why I come to you for I am in desperate need of advice. I trust what the stars and planets have in store for me and know that astrology can tell me thingsabout myself that I didn't know or I can learn about others. I guess that is why I am so fascinated with astrology. Recently things in a relationship had been turned upside down. I was seeing this guy and everyone knew that we liked each other a lot. You could tell just by the way we would look at each other or the way we would speak to one another. After two months of seeing each other, the guy I was seeing finally decided he wanted to move to the next level with me. This came from out of the blue considering he was ditching me all the time. He told me the reason he was ditching me all the time was because I scared him with the fact that I was so into him and the age differencebetween the two of us. He was born August 5, 1967(don't know the time) and I was born on March 6, 1981 at 1:34am. So there is a good 12 years between us. I accidentally made him mad by being inconsiderate and he blew everything out of proportion. He hasn't spoken to me in overa month and then I find out that he lied to me. He told me that he was being evicted from his apartment because of me knocking on his door for so long when he actually didn't pay his rent. I have forgiven him for not telling me the truth. In all honesty, I don't know if I am in love with him. My mom tells me that it does matter how I feel and she knows that I feel very strongly for this guy. My world doesn't seem complete with him not in it. Do you think that I should let go or do you think that there will be a second chance with him in my future? According to what the stars say, and what your expertise says, will help me to decide if I shall seek this relationship more or to give up on the only person I have ever felt this strongly about. Thank you for taking the time to read this because I know how busy you are. I would appreciate any advice you can give me. According to the compatibility tests, we are compatible and everything but I want an even more in-depth reading into our stars. He is a Leo and I am a Pisces. Once again, thank you for your time and advice. Thank you for this awesome site. Keep up the outstanding work!

Which way to turn

Dear Which way to turn

Should you stay or should you go is the question. The compatibility was okay but I do feel that an element of deception is present and this could mean that there will be more dishonesty in the future. His Sun sign also falls in an area of your chart that can lead to dead end projects. I also believe that you are going through a very vulnerable time regarding love and relationships. Regardless of the direction you take I feel that you will have some romantic problems over the course of the next two years. I would be inclined to tell you to proceed with caution and to give him another chance if you do have strong feelings for him however I would not suggest that you commit to him legally for the duration of the next two to three years. If he loves you he should be okay with dating and building a strong friendship and intimate relationship. At the end of that period if you both still want to move to the next level (marriage etc.) that would be fine. As for now I believe that during the second half of this year you could very well meet someone who will capture your attention and possibly your heart. However that will only happen if you are free to come and go as you please and to meet and interact with people who could turn into potential life partners. You match up well to those born under the signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scor

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