Wednesday, 1st May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Long Distance

Hi Eugenia,

I'm asking you a favor. I don't know how I should start. I have someone whom I really love. I have been going out with him for more than a year. We live in different cities. I'm not going to write a long story. What I'd like to know is whether I can keep this relation or not. My parents hate him. They haven't even seen him but they heard his voice on the phone. They say his voice is too hoarse, it make him sound like he is a triad. Well, he was once in a gang but not now. He quit long time ago and now he is working in a fabric related company. We are secretly seeing each other and I like him. What should I do? His birthday is July 5, 1976 (Lunar month) and I'm not sure about his time of birth. I was born April 9, 1980, at 2:15 AM. I'll be waiting for your reply.

In Love

Dear In Love

Lovers come and go but family is with you forever. The comparison with your Cancer man wasn't bad however sorrow does appear when it comes to dealing with your family and the possibility that he can become physical aggressiveness with you is evident as well. It is important for you to be honest with your family and ask them to at least meet this man and not judge him by his voice. If your family still feels strongly that he is not the one for you consider that they might be picking up on the fact that he does have some traits that might not be too favorable. You may be blind to his defects because you are in love with him. Keep in mind that right now he is on his best behavior but at some point he will show his true colors and when he does his aggressive side may not be as nice. His chart does indicate that he is very sensitive and extremely bright however there is also an element of unpredictability. I believe that you do have a connection to one another however without your families blessing I feel that it would eventually cause a problem in your relationship.


Article: Having a Baby?

Dear Eugenia,

I usually watch this web site for your advice. Your advice is always true. I am already married, but I don't want to have baby. I still cannot trust him. Maybe I am emotional but I certainly cannot believe him. I'm very tired. He always says "you should trust me'. But I wonder if he still loves me or not. I think we do not suit each other. Should we stay together? My husband was born in September 26, 1969,around 11:00p.m. I was born April 1, 1971, at 11:35 AM.

Actually, I had another boy friend before I got married. I hoped to marry this boyfriend. He was born in Jan 16,1971. Unfortunately we couldn't get married at the end. Finally, I left him. He is living in another country now.

I'd like to know would it better to divorce my husband before we have baby? If not, can I trust my husband someday in the future? I want to see the light of hope as soon as possible. Please give me advice.


Dear Daydreamer

Your husband can be a player when it comes to love and romance. He can be a real charmer when he wants to be. His chart indicates that he will always be a bachelor at heart. Now that doesn't mean that he will leave you but it doesn't mean that he will be completely loyal either. Your comparison, although workable if he is willing to try harder, does show the major sign of sorrow in an area that deals with friends, relatives, communication, sexual needs, money and legal matters. This covers a lot of territory and you have to question if you have made the right choice in marriage. Regarding your past love, sorrow shows in that comparison as well and I feel that the only reason you are even thinking about him is because you are unhappy with the person you are with. Your chart looks favorable for love and romance next summer. Therefore I suggest that you make your move out of your current situation before that time. If however you decide to stay with your husband I believe that you could end up being pregnant and feeling even less secure in your relationship over the next few years.


Article: Beware of Scorpio

Dear Eugenia,

I am at a standstill in my life. For 2 1/2 years I dated a man born 10/3/60 10:30AM. He and I grew up in the same community and town. We had not seen each other in 15 years and were "fixed up" by mutual friends. The relationship had gone through many ups and downs, at times splitting for weeks and months at a time. I recently completed my M Ed. and needed to stay focused on my goals. He has been a toll collector for 18 years and has a 16-year-old son from a previous relationship that left him raising a son alone and with really crappy hours, the kid is both spoiled and neglected. I have tried nearly everything possible to stay with him, but once I was able to commit to the relationship, his inability to make decisions and be more conscientious of money and time began to widdle away at our relationship. I loved and still love him. In the last year we have lost a child, he has cheated on me twice, and basically lost sight of what was once a strong and vibrant respect for one another. I caught him both times and his wealthy family thinks that he is weak, and that I am too good for him and a tad bit too controlling. We dreamed of many things together. I helped him find and fix up his dream home. Prior to his cheating we were planning a family and life together. I know that I have difficulty letting go in a relationship and wonder if I will ever find someone with whom to spend my life. I thought he was my soul mate. I thought the balance of his laid back approach to life and my ability to solve problems and make things happen would culminate into marriage. We are both seeing other people 3 months after the split and recently were drawn together by finances and we ended up making love. I am confused and tormented by what could have but can never be. We often said that if he didn't have his son we would already have been married. He is the kind of man that can't be left alone, and I refused to live with him until he got a grip of his son's law breaking/disrespectful behavior (I have a 9 year old) before living together and being a family. We have had quite a dramatic relationship. The disrespect was making me miserable. Do you think he could my soul mate? Am I foolish to believe he could ever evolve into a stronger man and be happy with a good woman like me? I can't believe I still want him after everything we have been through. My head says run, but my heart says "maybe someday" My DOB is 9/11/61 at 11:59 PM. Will I ever find a soul mate, and does he exist? I am dating, but unable to find anyone who makes me feel hope.

An empty - Gypsyheart

Dear Gypsyheart

I think you should focus your time and energy on your son, your own home, travel, self-improvement and socializing. You have latched on to a man who has no backbone and although he probably is an attractive package due to his family prominence you are best not to waste any more time on the prospect of spending the rest of your life with him. Your comparison indicates that this man will bring you sorrow. The past three years this mans chart has experienced all sorts of uncertainties and weaknesses that have resulted in his sons need to do whatever it takes to get some attention. This man is not likely to get his act together in the near future therefore you should get on with your life and forget about what might have been. Your comparison with him was not that great and I know that you can do much better. You do not need a weak man but instead one strong enough to balance your need to control. Although the sign Scorpio is definitely a sign that draws you, this particular Scorpio is not the one. You also match up well to those born under the signs Aries, Taurus and Gemini. You should always run a comparison through our compatibility service before you let someone new capture your heart. Your chart indicates that if you get out and do things that you enjoy over the course of th

Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Visit Relationship Planner

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Birthday / Numbers

May 1st 2024
Happy Birthday: Let your intuition guide you. Emotions will surface quickly; detail and planning are necessary to avoid impulsive mistakes. Positive change and opportunities are apparent, but your integrity and insight will encourage stellar results. An energetic approach and allowing your creativity to take over will keep you at the forefront when you encounter a challenge. Believe in yourself, and so will others. Love and personal improvements are on the rise. Your numbers are 6, 13, 22, 24, 30, 38, 43.

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