Friday, 3rd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Always Unfaithful

Dear Eugenia

I have written to you before and received no answer. I realize that I am somewhat prone to depression but I am trying to change. I have discovered that my husband has been carrying on with another woman. He said that he would not do it again but last night when I picked up the phone to use it he was going to leave a message on a woman's answering machine. Is this the behavior that I can expect from him? Will he always be unfaithful? His birth date is July 5, 1965 at 3:30 pm, mine is June 24, 1964 at 4:30 AM.

Truth seeker

Dear Truth seeker

To be perfectly honest your comparison wasn't the greatest. Nor was it the most passionate. You fall in an area of his chart that deals with dead end projects therefore it has probably been along time since the two of you have felt passionate about one another. I believe it is time to get some help. If he isn't willing to go to a marriage counselor it may be too late to save what might be left. Your chart is coming into a make it or break it period of your marriage however your husband's chart has been going through this for the past couple of years. I believe that with both of you being Cancer's neither one of you want to let go of what you have yet you are really not much of a couple anymore. You really need to get to the bottom of your problems and determine if you can or cannot find the passion that you once had. The depression that you are going through is warranted with Saturn moving through your twelfth house and onward toward your ascendant. If you have followed my work in the past you will know how strongly I feel about not being a downer to be with. You must get help for your depression. No one wants to spend time with someone who is always down, negative and nagging. If you want to turn things around you must work on yourself as well. This is not the time to sit in the kitchen eating and lamenting over the way you were but instead the time to get out to the gym, back in the game and feeling good about yourself. Regardless of the outcome of your marriage it is important to make the changes that are controlled by you. Regarding your question. Your husband is quite capable of being dishonest at an emotional level if he isn't satisfied with the person he is with.


Article: From Pisces

Dear Eugenia

I'm 33 years old. I'm a professional actress born March 18, 1969, at 1:15 PM. I migrate between New York and Los Angeles with the work. I graduated from drama school in New York when I was 24 and at that time my career developed somewhat too rapidly -in the sense that I was really not personally equipped to deal with the really exceptional professional opportunities that came my way so quickly. I had a lot of emotional, and I would say spiritual, issues that needed dealing with. I had quite a difficult time of it until around '98/'99 when I began to reform my life by slowing down professionally somewhat, and focusing seriously on healing. I also had some health issues come up around that time which sort of reinforced this move. And it has been very important and very positive for me. But given that I was working and campaigning for acting parts a great deal less (in an intensely competitive field), my career has suffered. I've been trying to decide about where to pick up the pieces. I still! Love acting and I've invested a lot of myself in it, but considering my age -I don't want to waste energy if it's not going anyplace. I'm also thinking about branching off into writing -playwriting. What do you think is the best move I can make for my career and my future? Thank you.


Dear Pisces

Your chart indicates that you have just moved into another high cycle regarding work and that it will be with you until the end of next year. I feel strongly that you should be pursuing what you love and giving it you're all but I also do believe that you have an ability where writing is concerned so I wouldn't like to see you miss out in that area either. I think that the year ahead will be a very busy one for you but certainly satisfying and worthwhile if you spread yourself a little thin and try to do it all. The area of your chart that deals with publishing and creativity is looking good as well so it is important that you do follow through in that area as well. It is always difficult when you are in a creative field because it is hard to make a living however I don't feel in your case that you are wasting your time. The only problem or trouble you will experience is if you don't give it your all and you become lazy along the way. Buckle down and prepare to utilize the next eighteen months to develop and expand your horizons in both the field of acting as well as playwriting. You may be able to incorporate the two (example - My Big Fat Greek Wedding). The best investment you can make in your life is to invest in yourself so get moving.


Article: The Inevitable Nature of Student Loans

Dear Ms. Last,

I will make my request brief since you have been bombarded with much e-mail. I am a young woman approaching thirty and I require some advice as to which road to take concerning my future. As of September 2000, I will be completing my last year in an MA of Fine Arts. My focus is archaeology. I love the academic field, but I have acquired a student debt that I fear will be a continued burden if I pursue my PHD. I have been working part time and sometimes full time, for a retail store for the past five years. I know that I have an opportunity to be a manager when the position opens. This position will provide me with the financial resources to pay off my debts and acquire some financial security. I thought that if I chose this path, I could do my PHD later and be more confident and less worried and stressed. However, I have found that people usually lose touch with their academic endeavors once they leave school. I do not want this to happen. I would like to teach archaeology at the university level and have my own excavation, but I feel that I must secure my life before I pursue my dream. What is your advice?

I was born August 13,1970, 2:20 PM.

Time to Decide

Dear Time to Decide

I'm a big believer in following your dreams. It takes hard work and dedication but it is obvious that you have that ability. You should not stop working however I believe that you should continue your studies as well. If you have to take a year off I suggest that you do it over the course of the last quarter of this year and the first three of next. After that I feel that it will be important to continue your studies. You may be able to work out some arrangement with your place of work or if you look to the university for possible work it may put you in an ideal situation. You should also consider the possibility of doing your PHD through correspondence or night classes that will allow you to work as well. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. I remember working full time/studying/building my practice all at the same time and although it wasn't easy it was a memorable time for me. The sense of accomplishment that you will feel will make it well worth your while. Your chart indicates that you are a hard working, detailed individual who does belong in the school system. Teaching/studying and traveling are the three main features in your chart that stand out as being you're driving force. Your work and money areas are in a high cycle for the next few years as are your educational areas therefore I suggest that you tighten your belt and prepare to study/work and pay back your debt.


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