Saturday, 4th May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: The Best of Both

Dear Ms. Last

I am almost embarrassed to ask for advice. Since I don't like to tell too much information about myself, I hope I can phrase the question right. I have a hard time in terms of my relationship with men. On one hand I want to love and be loved very deeply. It is a very spiritual connection that I crave. On the other hand, as soon as I am in a relationship, I feel suffocated, like the type of relationship society deems proper does not fit my personality. Is it possible for me to find someone who can give me the emotional intensity that I crave with the physical freedom I feel I need? Or are these two things so opposite that I must choose one way to be? I really need to know if I must make a choice, or if I should keep on looking. I am interested in someone right now mainly due to his personal integrity. I don't think he knows that he has caught my attention just yet and I am reluctant to pursue anything right now due to my conflicting needs in a relationship. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone. I was born 10/26/68 at 11:22 pm and he was born 05/06/61 at 4:15 am.


Dear Embarrassed

There are lots of people who want to have their cake and eat it too. The main concern is honesty. The comparison with your Taurus friend was quite favorable and it didn't really show any major sign of sorrow therefore I see no reason not to pursue him unless of course you are also working with him professionally. I suggest that should you decide to move forward that you are right up front about your desires and needs so that you give him the choice to bow out if he can't handle the freedom you require. I don't believe that you can turn off a switch and become totally monogamous if that isn't the way you are. Therefore you are best to search openly and honestly for someone who shares your values and sexual needs. Don't be embarrassed; lots of people feel the same way you do. You are in a high cycle regarding love however I must stress that you should not mix business with pleasure.


Article: Another Capricorn

Dear Eugenia

I have been separated and divorced from my Capricorn ex-husband (January 12, 1953, 10:23 a.m.) for seven years. We have two daughters together, one nineteen (September 13, 11.22 a.m. living with him and one (Feb 10, 1985, 10:53 a.m.) living with me. It has been a difficult divorce and caused much pain for all of us. Not my idea. I have been on my own ever since. I have dated occasionally but never got past the first date. I recently gave up the house and moved into a small apartment so my daughter could be nearer her father and sister. She is much happier, has a boyfriend and I rarely see her. Two weeks ago I went to an English Country Dance and was approached by an older gentleman (January 1, 1934, 12:15 a.m.) who has been courting me ever since. He takes me dancing and for dinner. He is an ex drama and English teacher, and an actor. Teaching drama and English is the profession I have just completed training for, and I have a background in acting and film. He loves to travel as do I. He has been separated from his wife of 18 years for one year. My concern is that he is another Capricorn, and I am a Cancer (July 14, 1943, 6:05 p.m.) I have Saturn in Gemini opposition Moon in the seventh house and that means difficulty in relationships. I think I may get myself into trouble again in a relationship with another Capricorn. He is sweet and kind and generous and seems to like me a lot. I have been alone for seven years, putting my daughter and my education first. Is this a father thing? Does it have a chance? Should I just enjoy it for the time being and not expect anything? I am used to a younger man, but nobody that age is interested in a fifty-seven year old woman with a teenaged daughter. I look much younger. Should I accept this graciously, or keep looking. Do you see another major relationship for me, or just casual dating? Is this the one?

At Odds

Dear At Odds

Your Capricorn friend only has his natal Sun in that sign. He has a strong Aquarius influence with his Mercury in the youthful playboy sign Sagittarius. Keep in mind as well that most Capricorn's are old when they are young and young when they are old. This is not an ordinary man and you do match up quite well to him. I feel that there is some deception in this relationship, however I believe that it is within you not him. You are coming into a high cycle regarding love and relationships in May and June of next year. Until that time I suggest you let this relationship develop and see how you feel at that time. If you feel that you can't get past the age difference I suggest that you move on, as new possibilities are likely at that time. However, if you realize that you are falling in love with this man it will be the perfect time to take this connection to the next level.


Article: Too Soon For Marriage

Hi Eugenia

I'm sure you are busy replying letters. I will consider your advice carefully if my letter is answered. I have been going out with my boyfriend for 8 years. I was supposed to marry my boyfriend last year. But, I'm the one who suggested reconsidering our marriage. I am negative to marriage, that is, I was afraid that I might lose my freedom. His parents want us to get married soon. However, considering his conservative parents and my non-conservative parents, I think I will have to face some problems after we get married. Am I too selfish? I'm working in the computing machine area. I want to go abroad to continue my study and I want to do many other things. Thus, marriage is not my first priority.

My boyfriend is a conservative man. He wants to take a dominant position in our relationship. I have to do everything for him if I marry him. If there is an exit, I want to escape. However, at the same time, I wonder whether I can live without him. What kind of person am I? Am I too selfish?? He was born on Nov 5, 1974 and I was born November 26, 1974, at 5:30 AM.

I can do things for him but to be frank, I just want him to do whatever he wants and set him free. And set myself free.

Feeling stifled

Dear Feeling stifled

Although the comparison was workable I do believe that your feelings are warranted. Yes, he and his family will stand in the way of your career and if that is what you want to pursue you are best to back out before it's too late. I believe that your future with this man does show some signs of sorrow as well as deception and that you are best to consider moving on. You actually need someone in your life that will allow you the freedom to live life and who is willing to share the same lifestyle that you desire. You match up well to those born under the signs Aries, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Your current boyfriend is very set in his ways and can be a little jealous. Although it could work it would mean that you must sacrifice a great deal in order to take care of his needs. Think carefully before you make your decision and consider the fact that you may be with him out of habit. Reevaluate your motives regarding this connection. You are moving through a period that can make or break this union and I believe that you are ready to move on.


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