Saturday, 4th May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Stop and Start

Dear Eugenia,

I have up until two weeks ago been having a wonderful relationship with a kind man. Born 1/6/1949. I am presently going through a divorce. Suddenly I get no response when I leave messages on his phone. He gave no reason for this he won't talk to me or tell me why he apparently does not want to see me again. I am devastated. I truly thought this was a man I could trust he gave me no reason not to. I really don't know what to do. I do think though that I deserve an explanation at the very least. I was born November 12, 1955, at 1:21 AM

Left wondering and very confused

Dear Left wondering and very confused

Your Capricorn friend does have his natal Venus in the sign Sagittarius opposite his natal Uranus in the sign Gemini. It is not unusual for people with this set up to begin and end relationships suddenly. It doesn't mean that he won't waltz back into your life but if he does be prepared to have him do a repeat performance. The comparison did lack some pizzazz. His natal Mercury and Mars are adversely positioned to your natal Neptune and this can cause a lack of trust and honesty. Let go and move on. There will be better romantic opportunities so don't sit around worrying about him, get out and have some fun. You should be considering someone born under the signs Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces.


Article: Afraid of the Unknown

Dear Eugenia,

I was born Feb. 24, 1984, at 12:23 PM. I am worried about my health. I am almost convinced that I have cancer. I am only 16 years old and I'm in very good shape. I was on the track team, and I participated in a 5-day outward bound trip. I lift weights from time to time, and eat a relatively smart and healthy diet. But I know all that doesn't stand a chance against the silent killer, that I believe grows inside me.I am too afraid to see a doctor because (I'm sorry, I don't want to sound too vulgar or reveal too much but) I think the kind of cancer I have is testicular cancer, and I don't want my parents to know about it.

The way they stop or cure this form of cancer is by removing the infected testicle, and then you are to under go 6 months of radiation or chemotherapy, plus a follow up 6 months if you go into remission. You still have one testicle that should function properly, but by the time your through with your radiation therapy your remaining gonad would be probably be sterol.

I want to get married, and have children when I grow up. I've never been with a girl before. I've never even really kissed a girl before, (I go to an all boys, school girls are hard to find) and to be honest I'm a pretty good-looking guy. I am so afraid of losing something that is so important to me, it's like a woman who has breast or ovarian cancer, they are afraid of losing those body parts and not feeling like a womananymore. I'm afraid of not feeling like a man anymore.

I've been planning to go to the Marines after college as an officer. Iwant to join the Marine Force Recon's Chemical Biological Initial Response Force. After the Marines I want to go to medical school to work with poor children, maybe open up a free medical clinic. Either that or get my PhD in Parapsychology, and prove the existence of the "soul" or human spirit. If I get cancer I won't be able to become a Marine, and there would go many of my dreams for the future. I know that you can't cure my cancer, if I have cancer, but I guess all I really need is someone to hear what I've been feeling for so long. The fear and anxiety is beginning to get to me, and my time is ticking. For two months I've lived with this. I guess what I would like to know is whether or not I will marry, I will be in the military, and whether or not I will be a professional in the fields of science and medicine, and of course most importantly whether or not I have cancer.

Thank you so much for listening, just knowing someone else out there knows about my dilemma helps to ease my fears.

Too Young For Death

Dear Too Young For Death

Your chart does indicate that you can be prone to having minor problems with your sexual organs and that you are probably experiencing difficulties currently that are extremely frightening. You must however have these matters tended to regardless of your fears. You must tell your mother that you need to make an appointment. It is important to get to the bottom of your problem for more reasons than one. You are worrying yourself sick over something that you are probably able to deal with quite easily right now. If however you decide to leave things until a later date it may be more difficult a healing process. Please do not waste any more time. Get checked out and get on with your life.

Regarding your future prospects for marriage, your chart indicates that you are not one to commit easily and that you should take your time until the right person comes along. If you marry too young you are likely to have trouble keeping the marriage together for one reason or another.

Your direction in life could go either way. I can see that the military would be of satisfying, however long term I feel that your chart shows greater interest in medicine. You would do extremely well in neurological or psychological studies.


Article: From Capricorn

Dear Eugenia,

I feel very, very lost. I work in the hospitality industry, which does not suit me at all. I make a decent living but hate my job and am thinking to go back to school to get certified to teach. Do you think that is a good choice? I fear it a little bit because I am very emotional and very unhappy. Although most of the time I can hide it well sometimes it comes to the surface and I find myself almost dysfunctional with grief. My mother (Nov 17) may be dying. She has been married to my father for nearly 60 years and she had a heart attack in December, which led to a stroke, which led to her lying in a hospital bed trying to learn to move and speak again. My father (Oct 22) sits at her side all day every day holding her hand and telling her everything is going to be okay. They are my models of what a marriage should be. I have been married for four years and separated for 2 and a half-he started walking out on me after our first anniversary. I finally went to a lawyer to draw up divorce papers and get my freedom and my husband (Nov 17, 76) is now trying to stop it. I feel that he has used me and deceived me numerous times although he says he loves me. If he loved me wouldn't he want to let me go and be happy rather than using our marriage one more time for his own ends? I had been celibate for one year after a failed 8-month relationship with a man who just wanted to be "friends" (Sept 11, 70). Then I ill advisedly got into a relationship with a very confused man (Oct 1, 77) for about two months that left me crying when he went back to his jealous Virgo ex-girlfriend earlier this week. Does my life sound like a soap opera? I feel like I have had my life on hold for several years and now everything has fallen on me at once and I can hardly bear it anymore. Family is the most important thing to me and I thought at 31 years old I would have a man as faithful and loving as my father at least if not children as well. I have not lost hope but it is running thin and I am so incredibly sad. Please, help give me direction and tell me what to look for and what you see in my chart - I was born January 6, 1976 at 10:02 AM.

Thank you,

Dear Capricorn

The comparison with your ex Scorpio is actually quite good. Yes there is emotional deception present but it appears to show up in an area of both charts that deals with the way you view one another as well as yourself leading me to believe that neither one of you may have tried hard enough to make it work. Marriage isn't easy and although I do believe with where his planets fall in your chart that you aren't like to forgive, forget and try again.

I think that you moved on emotionally when you let your heart be captured by your Libra friend. At that point you lost the ability to reconcile with your Capricorn husband. I do not feel that your Libra friend is right for you either. His inability to make up his mind will always be a problem plus he falls in an area of your chart that deals with dead ends. In other words it isn't likely to last even if you did get together again and marry.

I think teaching is a good thing for you to pursue however you should have started taking the course you required at least a year ago. The transits for educational pursuits are fast running out therefore your timing is off. Now that doesn't mean that you can't proceed but it will require more work on your part. The areas of your chart that deal with work and money are however in a high cycle until early next year so you may want to switch jobs this year. You can also excel in the travel industry, real estate, sales, your own business or something that involves physical activity of some sort.

Without your parents year of birth I cannot tell you much about them, however according to your chart your mother appears to be undergoing limitations and health issues for the next

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