Sunday, 16th March, 2025

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: Family Matters

Dear Eugenia,

I have recently bought a home with my boyfriend of 3 years. His name is Wayne and he was born on June 13, 1973. He does not know what time he was born at. Sorry! I was born March 7, 1977, at 1:10 PM. anyway, things are going good and we have decided that we would like to start a family. Do you see a baby in my chart in the near future? I am also thinking of changing careers. My job now is relatively stress-free, but not intellectually stimulating. I have been searching for jobs in my city for about a month now and nothing has come up as of yet. Is there a new job for me anytime soon?

Thanks Eugenia

Dear Tanya

The comparison between you and your Gemini Man was quite good however I hope that you have both put your name on any legal documents regarding the purchase of your home. Children are certainly in the picture and I believe that if you are trying to get pregnant it will happen some time this year or early next.

The area of your chart representing work and money is well aspected and you should not have a problem making the leap. I feel that there are opportunities present however you must make sure that you get any promises being made in writing before you give up a perfectly good position. If you need something more stimulating you might also consider picking up additional courses that will lead you in a more satisfying direction. You tend to need something more creative, interesting and out of the ordinary in order to feel the rewards that you are searching for. If you are planing on having a family however you might want to rethink your future direction. After all, if your current job is easy and pays the bills you should find that to be a plus if want to spend more time doing family oriented things with your children.


Article: A Class Struggle

Dear Eugenia,

Two years ago I had a serious car accident & fell into a deep depression. I met someone very special at the end of this difficult year, and he helped and supported me. This loving relationship I had never experienced before, & slowly we grew closer, & I got stronger, both physically & mentally. The problem is my family. They do not approve of my relationship, & have fought me every step of the way. I still live with my parents, & we have always been close, but they are very controlling & demanding of who I choose to marry. Rather than seeing the positive influences he has brought to my life, & trying to get to know him, they refuse to see or even speak his name, for the simple reason that he is younger (3 years), & does not share my educational or financial background. To me, these things do not matter. He has so many special qualities, & has ambition to succeed, that I don't doubt my future with him, but my family ridicules & puts him down and threatens me with disowning me, painting an ugly picture of my future struggle & a miserable life! I can't take the pressure and stress, & until I move out, how do I deal with their threats, & guilt that I am letting them down? I was born Feb.23/69, at 1:00 AM and he was born Aug.13/72. He has stuck by me through everything, I can't think of leaving him, but must I choose between him and my family? Will I indeed suffer for the rest of my life if I walk away from my family to be with him? Does educational level and a person's financial status really matter most? Am I as naive as they accuse me of? Please give me your comments on my dilemma. Thank you.


Dear Torn

You do match up to your Leo partner however the comparison also denotes that deception and disillusionment are prevalent when dealing with friends and family. Your family is only looking out for your best interest and possibly your parents feel that you and your Leo partner were not up front regarding your intentions. I think that you may want to approach the situation from the stand point that if your Leo partner is indeed that dedicated to you he should be willing to sign a prenuptial agreement that will not give him any rights to your family's estate. This should put your family at ease and should allow you the freedom to proceed with your plans. Although you did not include your parents birth data I can see in your chart that at an emotional level you have probably always been manipulated to some degree by your parents. I feel that they have probably done this out of love and that should you make the decision to follow your heart that they will eventually accept the situation. This is not an ideal answer however because it is important that your family likes and approves of your partner if you wish to have favorable interaction with them in the future.


Article: From In Need of Help

Hi Eugenia

First, I enjoy your website and read the daily scope every day. I am married for the second time to a Sagittarius [12/5/1946] who is incapable of returning my love. As we approach retirement, I find that I am unable to look forward to any happiness while I am with this person. He is at the same time, dependent on me financially, ignores me in public, blocks all emotion and has an addiction to alcohol and he refuses to deal with it. I am wondering if I were to cut the ties, let him go, will he be able to recover? He is so good at hiding his emotions, I am not sure whether he has them or not. Additionally, I have not had a fortunate family life, either as a child, or as an adult. If I were to divorce this man, is there any hope of finding happiness with anyone else? I look to you to let me know. I was born November 13, 1950 at 11:23 pm. Thanks,

In Need of Help

Hi In Need of Help

The comparison was not that great however there were signs that when you originally got together there was some passion and good times. Your husband does not have an addictive chart in the sense that he can't recover but he does have some strong psychological problems that I believe will require serious counseling. This is probably why he is drowning his sorrows or poor me syndrome in alcohol. Unfortunately for him this is his problem and he is the only one who can solve it. I suggest that you get out and do so now. Make sure that you cover yourself legally and don't be afraid to use the word abusive relationship when you go to your lawyer. Your husband has been abusive by ignoring you to the point that you don't have a loving or even caring relationship. This is a lonely situation to end up in. You will be in a high cycle regarding love next year so I suggest that you get yourself out of this situation as soon as possible so that you have time to reorganize your life, discover what like to do, who you are as a single person and what you want in a partner. You match up to those born under the signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn. Get moving and good luck.


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One of the most important areas in our lives concerns love and romance. Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Using Relationship Planner can give you more idea to maximize the success.

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Visit Romance Compatibility

One of the most important areas in our lives concerns love and romance. Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Using Relationship Planner can give you more idea to maximize the success.

Find who is your best sign for a romantic relationship?    Visit AstroGudiance

When / Where will I likely meet my 'Soulmate' within 365 days?    Visit AstroGudiance

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How do you relate in terms of money, family, romance and much much more!
Visit Romance Compatibility

One of the most important areas in our lives concerns love and romance. Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Using Relationship Planner can give you more idea to maximize the success.

Find who is your best sign for a romantic relationship?    Visit AstroGudiance

When / Where will I likely meet my 'Soulmate' within 365 days?    Visit AstroGudiance

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