Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Aquarius

Hi Eugenia

I would like to thank you for taking to time to read this. I'm a 21-year-old male born February 16, 1982, at 1 AM and life just is not getting better for me. I have been on my own since I was 16 and alone ever since then. I busted my ass in high school and finished with a 3.5 GPA on my own while working a full time job. I have been out of school for 2 years now and I haven't had a job since Oct. I wake up ever day and look for a job and nothing yet. I'm also in a band and it's going ok but very slow. I would like to know if any thing good is going to happen for me. Will I find a good job, will my band take off, and will I find some one to spend my life with, please tell me any thing you can. Thank you again


Hi Aquarius

Things have been tough but you've worked hard and it will pay off. Regarding your band you should be walking the pavement, making calls, sending out demo's etc between now and June. There is a transit going through your chart that should bring you help as well as favors. Partnerships also look good and that can be regarding both business and personal between now and then. The job prospects start to get much better over the summer months and will continue to do so until late next year. Now that doesn't mean that you can't find something before that time but that you should advance over the course of the next eighteen months. Your chart still shows educational pursuits with the intent of raising your earning potential so don't rule out taking a course that interests you. You have an entrepreneurial chart and that means that you can do your own thing and run your own business. If something interests you that you can offer others do so now. That way you will choose your own hours leaving yourself open to pursue music. You are talented but you hold yourself back by not believing that you have what it takes. You match up well to the signs Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.


Article: A Question of Compatibility

Dear Eugenia,

In regards to your Romance Compatibility scale, I don't know what it actually all means with the scale interpretation i.e. "popping stars ",sad/happy faces, or 2 hearts together at the end, etc. For example: based on the scale, if I score only 62% compatible with the person in question, I will have a happy relationship with that person, but our relationship never leads to marriage? Can someone score low on the compatibility scale, and still can be married to the other person ( or maybe for a short time ) with lots of problems during the union? Could you please explain. I was born August 20, 1960, at 11:36 PM.

Thank You.

Dear semi-compatible

It?s too bad you didn?t mention the someone in your life?s birth data. I am a believer that any relationship can work if both people are willing to compromise, share, communicate and work jointly toward a common goal. Unfortunately some couples, even those with a high comparison, don?t try hard enough and therefore fail. 62% is not bad depending on what it is that you have in your comparison that is compatible and what isn?t. The pros and cons given in the compatibility analysis should tell you the low down regarding the probability of having a long lasting loving relationship. Nothing is etched in stone and no two comparisons will be the same regardless of whether or not you have the same percentage. Each comparison is as unique as the next. You are best to read the analysis that goes along with the love thermometer. The aspects between two peoples charts that red flag me are the negative interaction between Neptune and Venus, or Mars and Venus. These aspects can promote deception, sorrow, abuse, being partnered with someone who has substance abuse problems and so on and therefore precautions must be taken to protect your heart. Astrology is not as cut and dry as some people think. This site tries to give you as much information as possible. To date I have written some seventy thousand paragraphs in order to give each one of our members the most in-depth personalized view of the possibilities in all aspects of life including compatibility. Try to use the information in a positive manner in order to make the best decisions.

Your chart indicates that you are coming into a high cycle where love and romance are concerned over the next couple of months and between February and July of next year once again. Get out and socialize and you will probably meet someone who is good for you or work on the relationship you are already in, in order to make it the best that it can be. You match up well to those born under the signs Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.


Article: Slim Pickings

Dear Eugenia,

I was in a very intense, 4-month relationship that ended Feb, 2000. I am a Taurus/Gemini cusp, born May 21, 1958 @ 3:20 a.m. and he was born Sept. 13, 1957. He ended it in a very callous fashion, i.e. a phone call informing me it was over with no prior discussion, no fight, no indication whatsoever that anything was wrong. Needless to say I was devastated, not to mention shocked and betrayed beyond belief. He was/is the only man I have ever loved as there wasn't a single thing about him that I didn't like and I have NEVER found that before or since.

Being single at age 42 is no picnic. Pickings are slim simply because of logistics and what is available usually involves problems with kids, ex-wives and whatever other baggage they are bound to be carrying. So I find myself feeling totally hopeless that I will never find someone I cared for like I did him. I have been to the beach and back and know full well how bad the odds are.

So, before I toss in all my chips and waste no further effort into trying to meet someone, I thought I'd ask you if and when you foresee me ever finding happiness.

Ready to Give Up

Dear Ready to Give Up

Don't throw in the towel just yet. There are opportunities to meet potential partners this year but you must get out and join organizations you believe in. It is important that you also take the time to grow and expand your horizons this year. You are headed toward your second half-life Saturn and it is time to reevaluate and make the necessary changes. To travel both mentally and physically will be enlightening and should lead you down unfamiliar avenues that will change your life. If you think back to when you were around the age of 14/15 you went through this same transit as a child, now you are going to experience similar events as an adult. You match up well to those born under the signs Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. You can also form relationships through travel, friends, relatives or taking courses that interest you.


Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Visit Relationship Planner

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Birthday / Numbers

May 2nd 2024
Happy Birthday: Keep an open mind, research, adjust your thinking to fit the possibilities, and refuse to be funneled in a contrary direction by someone using emotional manipulation. Your strength stems from intelligence and what you discover. Don't trust others to do the legwork for you. If you want to stay afloat, you must remain at the helm. Personal gain requires your attention and distancing yourself from outside influences. Your numbers are 6, 14, 19, 28, 32, 37, 46.

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