Wednesday, 1st May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Desperate

Dear Eugenia,

I have written to you many times in hopes of a response from you. I desperately need your advise on a situation that seems irresolvable to me. Firstly, I would like to say that you are a wonderfully gifted person and I enjoy your website very much, and I wish you continued success with your new T.V. show.

I am a Capricorn female (please do not include any birth information date, place or time of any of the people mentioned in this email, thank you). Born XXX. XX, XXXX, XX X:XX pm. I am involved with two people, a Leo male we will call Leo born XXX. XX, XXXX. I am very close to this person and I am very happy with him. I am also involved with a Cancer male, we will call Gerald. The Cancer's birthday is XXXX X, XXXX. What do you see in my relationships with these two men. My heart belongs to Leo, but I feel responsible toward Gerald. How do you see them with regards to how they feel about me. Also my Leo is involved with a crazy woman, born XXXX XX, XXXX. She is an extremely jealous and insecure person. What do you see in Leo and Crazy woman's relationship? Please Eugenia, I am desperate for your help in this and I look forward to any advise you can give me. I sometimes feel very trapped in my own fears and desperate for some solution to this confusion. Please help me.


Dear Desperate

I do not usually omit birth data because I believe that it is of interest especially for students of astrology. One of the best ways to learn the subject is to take the data, cast the chart and see if you come up with a similar answer to the one I have given. In your case however I am going to make an exception.

I can see your dilemma. You do match up to your Leo however when it comes right down to it your comparison with Gerald is actually a little bit better. Your relationship with Gerald may be tired and in need of some added spice of life but that is attainable as long as you rid yourself of the Leo in your life. Your Leo on the other hand, like it or not, matches up just as well if not better to his crazy woman whom I might add may not be so crazy if he were more trust worthy in his relationships. This Leo gets plenty of opportunities to flirt and so forth and he can be quite a woman's man. You are drawn to him for various reasons but I must admit there is some deception showing in your connection with him and I venture to say that is will lead to absolutely no good if you continue down this pathway. Your attraction to one another is physical and this is just not good enough. You will end up hurting two people that you are both well suited to if you continue to play this game. The crazy woman has just gone through two and a half years of suffering, limitations and depression and it is probably due to your playful way of dealing with her mate. Back off before you find yourself at a point of no return. I believe the end result will be a loss for you on all counts. Unfortunately according to what I see in the crazy woman's chart her Leo love is probably going to leave her or make a personal change in his life putting you in a position to turn your back on Gerald to be with your Leo love. Your Cancer, Gerald I believe has been in the dark and has trusted a little too much. His limitations ring out loud and clear especially after the end of May of this year. Times are changing for all of you and I fear that the end result may be you with your Leo leaving two shattered hearts by the wayside. The ironic picture is that I believe in time you and your Leo will discover that the grass really isn't greener on the other side of the moutain.


Article: Much To Consider

Dear Eugenia

First of all thank you for this beautiful site, I'm an astrology lover and for this reason I would like to get your opinion on my birth chart: I know I'm quite flamboyant and rough at times but I'm also a good ballet teacher full of sensitivity: I read that a person has no choice in life and no chances when the sun is in the 12th house and Saturn in the seventh: Is this also your opinion and can you tell me something more about me to help me understand myself a little better than I do?

Thank you so much in advance.


There is so much more to consider. In your birth chart you do have your natal Sun and Mercury in the twelfth house but both are well aspected to your natal Jupiter in Gemini and your natal Mars in Libra. Mars being in your third house also relates to teaching. Your Saturn being in the seventh can make it difficult to find a suitable relationship or partnership however in your case your natal Neptune is in Scorpio favorably aspected to your natal Saturn. This can be highly creative. Your chart shows great potential with your natal Jupiter being in your tenth house (limelight house). You do have your natal Venus in Virgo poorly positioned to your natal Jupiter in your tenth and this can result in not having the physical attributes needed to do what you want. You could however be a great choreographer if you decided to move in that direction. Most of all you have to realize that although these planetary placements can cause some obstacles it does not mean that you have no chance to achieve your goals throughout life.


Article: A Repeat Offender?

Dear Eugenia

I am having difficulties in my current relationship. My boyfriend of almost 2 years (we met on Sept.9th, 1999) is leaving for Europe in 6 days, to return in 3 months. He has cheated on me in the past. I believe it is possible that he has a major problem with emotional commitment.

I am positive that the love between us is very strong. I love that we have such a bond. On the other hand, I do not want to spend my life with a man who cannot remain faithful through thick and thin. When he cheated the first time he was very upset with me and we were almost breaking up. We stayed together, but he still puts the blame for his cheating partially on me. He has trouble taking responsibility in a relationship.

I would like your help in my quest to determine what I should do. How can I talk to this Man, and get his understanding? Will he ever be able to remain faithful?

I wanted so badly to go to Europe with him. Does his chart say anything about why he would part ways with me for such a long time, risking our stability, and leaving me terribly disappointed? Your response is very much appreciated! My birth data: March 5 1974, 7:16 AM. His birth data: December 22 1967, 4:56 AM

I love your web site!

Dear Confused

Although the comparison is workable I do feel that elements that could lead to unfaithfulness are apparent. He has the Sagittarius mentality that leans toward freedom, being a bachelor at heart forever yet on the other hand he also shows the ability to be loyal and practical when he finds his true love. I believe that although you do match up quite nicely mentally and physically that emotionally deception is evident. Regarding his trip to Europe you must be joking. Sagittarius is the sign of the traveler. To expect him not to go would be putting the kind of restriction on him that would make him take flight. You are going to have to come to terms with giving him the space he needs if you plan on keeping him happy. He is prone to fooling around if he isn't happy or satisfied with the relationship he is in. As for you, you have a tendency to overreact and may have blown the situation out of proportion. I believe that you should play it cool, give him space if he needs it and consider taking a trip yourself this summer just to keep life interesting. After all it would be great if you both had wonderful experiences to share with one another at the end of the summer instead of you questioning what he was doing and with whom while he's away. I believe part of the way to hold a gentleman like your Saggi friend is to keep him guessing and continue to learn, experience and move forward in your own life in a positive and adventurous manner.


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