Thursday, 21st November, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Need answer badly

Dear Eugenia:

If I don't get a response from you this time, I guess I'll give up. Incidentally, what happens to the emails that have been sent to you many times over but never get answered? Anyhow, I was born March 11, 1971 at 5:01 a.m. It seems Cupid is doing nothing but piercing me with his arrow regarding my love life. Why? The longest relationship I had lasted three years then my heart was broken; then I met someone who used me on the rebound (didn't know this when I met her of course) and had the nerve to invite me to her wedding! Then I slowly fell for this girl I met through work (2 years ago)(Virgo, but again, I'm being used as a sounding board and to get her out of work-related jams; special days like New Year's eve, she's not with me but her family or somewhere else despite her promises and notice in advance. I'm good-looking, a gentleman, have a decent job and lots of friends 'cause I don't have any brothers or sisters and slowly but surely all of my friends have gotten married and some now even have children. I so want these things in my life as well. Please tell me what's in store for me. Sometimes I feel so down that I hibernate and become very much a loner. Thanks for answering this one, I hope! How come I don't see your TV show anymore? I miss it!

Need answer badly

Dear Need answer badly

You are a great catch but you've been going through a period of deception, disillusionment and so forth when it comes to your relationships. This is moving off your chart but as long as you are a loner you aren't likely to get out and meet Ms. Right. Although some Virgo's can match up to you well it is hard to say how compatible you are with the one at work because you didn't submit her birth date. I would have to assume by what you are saying that the Virgo in her chart probably adversely hits the Neptune and Jupiter in your chart. This always causes some problems. Your chart indicates that you can have a happy relationship and all the things in life that you are hoping for but that you will have to go about it in a little different manner than what you have in the past. The unfortunate thing is that the signs you are drawn to are not likely to be drawn to you. In other words you are picking the wrong people to partner with. You really need to do astrological comparisons, which I might add can be done for free on my website. You are not in a bad cycle for meeting new people and I do believe that you can meet someone through work or through relatives or friends so don't be afraid to go out on a blind date. With transiting Jupiter moving through your house of relationships until the summer of next year you have plenty of opportunities ahead of you, but once again you must get out and make your moves. Join groups that interest you and you will meet someone with similar likes. You have a good chart and so much to offer so stop being so hard on yourself. You have recently entered into a seven-year cycle that will promote changes in your personal life. This is just the beginning and love and romance are within reach. Open your eyes and your heart but don't be fooled by women who want a sounding board or who are on the rebound. You are young, doing well and have everything to offer. The signs you are most likely to do well with are Aries, Taurus, Leo, early Virgo's and Capricorn. Regarding my show I don't believe that the ratings were high enough however a decision of renewal has not been made. Please contact the W Network at, call the network at 416-534-1191 ext. 5155 or write to them at W Network, 64 Jefferson Avenue, Unit 18, Toronto, ON Canada, M6K 3H4, Attn: Viewer Relations and let them know how much you liked the show and that you would like to see more of it. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Article: From Aquarius

Hi, Eugenia

I e-mailed you, back in January, and you answered me, with quite accurate answers. My question right now is, what the heck is going on with my health, and money or to better phrase Andre` and my money. First, I'll tell you about my health. First of all in mid-May my bottom tooth became loose, and fell out. Then on April 26, I broke my collar from working out, with weights, and all the tone I had built up were gone after 3 weeks. Andre' and had been saving for our first holiday in 2 yrs. All of sudden every thing started going wrong with our car, eating up our savings. Then I started feeling really sick, so Andre' said let's just stay home, and I'll use the rest of our savings, stay home and I'll take care of you. I don't mean to flit back and forth, but in the mean time I was going from doctor to emergency here in Kingston. I'm sorry to take so much of your time, but it's a weird time for us. Finally on the 24th of July, I ended up in emergency again and was sent home with Gravol. I spent the 2 days in bed, desperately ill. Andre' wanted to stay home, I wanted to visit our family, both come from the same place, and there were 2 hospitals there, (about 40 miles in difference). When we arrived near his parents home I had to "pee", I saw myself in the bathroom mirror and knew immediately " I had to go to the Hospital". I was examined and stayed over night, then was sent to another hospital, by ambulance, 40 miles away for emergency surgery. I had an abscess on my bowels, perforated intestines, and to many other things that would take too long to explain, in the already "too long" e-mail that I'm taking much of your time with? Finally, Eugenia, I flat lined, at hospital and am very glad to be here. I would like to know if you see in my health area any more serious problems, or was that enough for a while. My next question won't take so long. Andre' has asked me to marry him, in 2004, if you answer Yes, what month and time should it be? If your answer No, please let me know why. My birth date is January 31,1949, birth time 1:31 a.m. his birth date is May 09,1955, 5:30 a.m.


Hi Aquarius

Your chart does show some evidence of chronic health problems that were set off this past year however they appear to have cleared up mid summer. Should you continue to have problems there is another area in your chart that could result in continuing troubles especially where blood disorders, allergies, skin, bones and teeth problems are concerned. All these little irritations can end up causing problems with work. The other scenarios that can happen with the type of transits you are experiencing are a series of job changes, a change in your status (marriage) and a change of residence. All in all however I do feel that your chart is not bad and that with proper care, diet and exercise you should be able to build your strength back up and continue to live a normal life again.

You match up to your Taurus man rather well and I would consider getting married May 1st, June 12th or July 17th. I really didn't see any red flags in the comparison and in felt that emotionally, and physically you were quite in synch. Mentally you won't always feel the same way about things but I have yet to see a comparison that indicates that the couple will agree on everything.


Article: From Cancer

Hi Eugenia

Where do I begin, I'm 28 yrs old and have been looking for love. I've been out of a relationship for almost 2 yrs in which I was engaged to be married. This almost tore me apart but somehow I SURVIVED. I still have good and bad days but I think everything happens for a reason which takes me to my next point. I met a gentleman (born: February 21,1971) almost a year ago in which I was very attracted to and we became friends although I long for so much more however I know that his career is his first priority and anything else is on the back burner. I think that coming out of a very long and serious relationship I lack the confidence that I need in order to speak up and express what I feel as I fear rejection and this is what I tend to do with him.

I know that I want more than to be friends, is this something that you see in my future? b/c I don't have the nerve to ask him straight out and I want to know what direction my love life is going if anywhere. I was born July 4, 1975 at 6:45 pm.

Please help!!!

Hi Cancer

The comparison with your Pisces friend is okay but he does think like an Aquarius which means that he can be a little detached when it comes to emotional matters. He also has a strong Sagittarius influence and they are usually not all that interested in being tied down. You are very sensitive and the past couple of years you have gone through a difficult period regarding relationships and being able to trust. You are also going through your first Saturn return and this is making you reevaluate your life and what you have done with it up until now. Over the course of the next year you should be making changes that will better suit the direction you see yourself moving in. You did meet your Pisces friend at a good time so I?m not ruling him out but I do feel that you are probably a little more serious regarding your relationship and that you are also ready to start thinking about settling down where he may not have given it a thought as of yet. If you are going to approach him to see how he feels you may want to do so in July of this year. You will be in a high cycle again this fall where finding love is concerned so you have time to see where your current relationship is headed before you start looking for love elsewhere. You match up well to those born under the signs Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces.



Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Visit Relationship Planner

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Birthday / Numbers

November 21st 2024
Happy Birthday: Hit the reset button and implement a strategy that promotes thoughts followed by actions. By taking care of business before pleasure, you will relieve stress and enjoy downtime to the fullest. Turn your journey into something special. Follow what makes you feel alive and designate more time to fill any void you encounter with love, knowledge, and memorable experiences. Hard work will pay off, but risks will disappoint. Your numbers are 3, 12, 21, 28, 31, 35, 44.

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