Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Gemini

Dear Eugenia,

It's taking me forever to type this because I got into a bad motorcycle accident last week. I expect to be in bed for months. Do you see why I have such bad (or good?) luck? What's my outlook for the rest of the year I was born June 5, 1979, at 1:12 am.


Dear Gemini

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Your chart has been extra accident-prone for a while now so it's really no surprise that you are in recovery mode. Your chart isn't that bad just a little careless. Out of all negatives you can find a positive and in your case the positive is that you should be learning over the course of this year and next. Although you may not want to do so it is obvious that you are being pushed in that direction. Being confined to bed can be a good thing if you are surrounded by books, correspondence courses and so forth. You can turn this period into gaining new knowledge and skills that will prepare you for a better future. You are young, the health areas of your chart are relatively clear - you should heal quickly but you must keep in mind that you were born with an aspect in your chart that does make you prone to injury so in the future don't take chances, be more defensive and slow down. There is an element in your chart that denotes that someone in your home is unusual or possibly takes too much medication, alcohol or drugs. If this is affecting you consider what you can do about it. If you have become addictive yourself get help.


Article: A Second Opinion

Dear Eugenia,

I never believed in love at first sight before....nor the "fireworks" during a first kiss...and I always thought it ridiculous when I heard people say they just couldn't live without "so-and-so". But, I have experienced these undeniable feelings in the past year. A much older gentleman has, quite literally, STOLEN MY HEART. I have never been so incapable of walking away from someone in my entire life. I never want to do without him...he's all I want...and all I need.

In the beginning he fell in love with me first (and told me so) and, I soon followed. I am 37 and he is 58. But, I don't think either of us even notices the age difference, because we "connect" so naturally. Some of the problems we've had are: 1.) He's a Christian and I'm an atheist. 2.)He has a problem trusting women...he has unrealistic expectations concerning honesty (he believes all women are liars). 3.) He's sometimes manipulative (which I find challenging). 4.) He refuses to give me any kind of a commitment. 5.) A friend of mine that has studied astrology for 35 years warned me of his dangerous temper, and great need to control...this advice from her has caused my imagination to work over-time and has caused some real problems between he and I...I've had trouble trusting him...and that bothers him...and me. We've broken up a couple of times, and then always find our way back to each other. This astrologer friend of mine is my ex-boyfriend's mother, and I have always suspected she is "saving" me for her son when the "time" is right for us to get together again. But, I have no proof.

My birth info: 2-5-64, 7:37pm, His birth info: 2-7-43, 6:05pm, The older gentleman and I met for the first time somewhere between April 3 and April 13, 2000 (last year). He was a potential customer of mine. I was calling on his business (we were instantly inseparable...all we wanted to do was talk to one another....we still do). My question is: Can you go back and see during those dates if either of us were suppose to meet our "soul mates"?

I need to know this. I am raising two teenagers on my own and don't want to waste my time with a man that is just using me. I'd like to know if he really loves me, if I can trust him, and if we have a future together or not. Please, help me....this other astrologer friend of mine may be manipulating me....I want to know the truth.

Lost In Love

Dear Lost In Love

I do not believe that the astrologer giving you the information is too far off the mark. Your comparison with this man was not all that great. I believe that there is some deception involved in your connection. You have recently been going through a rough period regarding relationships and this could be the reason for the problems that you are experiencing with him however I do believe that there is more to it. He is controlling at an emotional level and I do not believe that you are one to be controlled with your strong Aquarius personality however with your Venus in Pisces and the type of transits that you are experiencing I believe that you are in what I call a messiah mood meaning that in some way part of the attraction is feeling vulnerable and out of control. I do believe that you will continue on with him until you can't take it any more I believe that you will be in a high cycle for love or past lovers coming back into your life next year and I hope that you have the wherewithal to walk away from this connection by that time so that you might actually hook up with someone who could be considered your soul mate.


Article: From Troubled

Dear Eugenia,

Lately I have been through a really depressing time six months ago I was forced to drop out of high school to be able to work. The reason why is because my family has picked up and left without me. And they also took my ten-year-old younger brother whom I miss a lot. I am currently without a job or a home, I have applied for social assistance and I am waiting on a reply. I am staying with my girlfriend's family until I can sort things out. I would like to know if in the next six months I am going to be able to find a place to live and if I will be able to return to high school to finish my education because social assistance will help me. I would greatly appreciate if you answered my e-mail because I am in desperate need of your help. I was born January 8, 1987 at 5:37 pm.

Thank You,

Dear Troubled

You are going through a lot of changes right now and although it doesn't seam fair that you are forced to handle the cards you've been dealt it is also very apparent that you can and you will get through this period. You will find your way and get what you want early next year. Social assistance will be awarded shortly if it hasn't already been approved. It is apparent that you will do well where getting help and part time work is concerned during the first four months of next year. That will enable you to get back to your education as well as make some money on the side to help assist you further. With the help of your friend's family you will be fine. You should be able to get back into school next year. Although the opportunities are apparent it will still require hard work on your part. Studying, working and taking care of yourself at your age isn't easy but it can and has been done by many. You have a good strong chart and I do believe that you can become whatever you strive to be. What your parents have put you through could very easily be a blessing in disguise. Be brave and the lessons you learn at such a young age will help you excel in the future.


Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Visit Relationship Planner

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Considering Investment / Games
When / Where meet my Soulmate
My Career
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