Sunday, 5th May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: The Corporate Ladder

Dear Eugenia,

I would like to seek your advice on an issue that makes me upset. I love my superior at work for the past two years. It is a one-sided love affair. I tried to tell him that I loved him and he didn?t reject me. But I still wonder if he loves me or not. Sometimes, he shows his affection toward me, but sometimes he is also flirtatious with other girls. Since we are working in the same department, we meet each other everyday. I feel pain in my heart. I don?t know if I should continue to wait for him, or should I give up? Please give me a suggestion.

My birthday: October 26, 1967, at 9 AM

His birthday: December 16, 1963

Pain in my heart

Dear Pain in my heart

Your comparison with the gentleman in question was pretty good however there was an element of deception that could cause some problems for you in the work area. As a rule it is much better not to get involved with colleagues, especially those who could make it difficult for you or even worse cause you to lose your job. This man is a Sagittarius by Sun Sign and this is usually an indication of confirmed bachelorhood. This particular man however does have his natal Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in the sign Capricorn and although this sign can be loyal and dedicated they can also be players. You must be careful not to let yourself get carried away to the point that you jeopardize your position. The transits you will experience in an area of your chart that represents your position in society will be adversely aspected this summer as well as next year and it will be important that you don?t put yourself in a precarious position at work. Regarding love your chart indicates that you will have plenty of opportunities to meet new partners. Therefore, I suggest that you join groups or clubs in your community that interest you. That way you are likely to meet like-minded people who will not interfere with your work.


Article: From Torn

Hi Eugenia

Pleeeaaassse help me!

I just moved into a new place with my boyfriend but I'm not sure he's the one. Some days I convince myself that everything is okay then other days I wonder if I can handle all the issues he has with his ex wife, children and him not wanting anymore kids. (his b-day is: Jan 11/62 at 3am and mine August 26, 1964, at 6 am). We have been arguing so much more ever since we moved in and I'm ready to walk. Should I stay and give it a chance or is it best to leave now?


Hi Torn!

You and your partner match up very well astrologically. It's times like these that you discover how strong your character is as well as his. His chart indicates that he has difficult transits regarding divorce settlement, legal matters, financial agreements and so forth but this will continue to haunt him for the next two years and like it or not he does have to be responsible to his first family regardless of how his ex is responding. All that being said he should probably try to put a stop to any harassment that he may be subject to by coming to a suitable arrangement that both he his ex and his children stick to. Once that is done things at least have a chance to settle down. Your chart indicates that you are moving into a period of uncertainty and you must try to curb any desire to overreact or to make changes suddenly that you might regret later on. Regarding having children of your own you will be feeling the urge especially over the course of the next year and I do believe that the chance of getting pregnant is likely however it may not be the best thing to do when your relationship is going through so much turmoil. I have seen many comparisons that are good where the end result was separation. Right now your timing is bad and it likely that you will get fed up. You are both going through a fair amount of stress over the course of the next 18 months. To add to that if you should get pregnant, fly off the handle or get upset about things that are out of your control will not help matters. This is a relationship worth nurturing but with the transits you both are experiencing I have my doubts that you will make it. Should you decide to walk, and you probably will, I believe that you will meet someone new before year-end. You match up well to those born under the signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. Without having your partner's ex-wife's date of birth as well as his children's birth data I can't be sure what he will do should you walk but his chart indicates that he could very easily return to his family should that be the case.


Article: From tired yet still hopeful

Dear Eugenia

I had written to you a while back and I totally understand that you are overloaded with emails daily. I will try to keep this brief.

I'm completely tired and fed up with the dating game. Dating has become so difficult even with all the Internet sites to help us out. I find that so many people portray themselves a certain way that's practically "wonderful" for the most part and yet, within days or maybe even a short couple of weeks they show their "true selves". The guy that doesn't call back or doesn't make plans any more. I find it difficult to get past a 1st or 2nd date with many of these guys. I certainly don't think I'm an unattractive woman by any means, but I'm also a big-hearted person with a lot of genuine love. I just don't understand why it's so hard to find someone that I am not only physically attracted to, but emotionally as well. The men that I am attracted to for various reasons (humorous, cute, nice) turn out to be jerks! They show interest initially and then disappear! I'm pretty clear on the type of person that I am and that I am looking for, so I can't imagine these guys thinking I'm "that type of girl".

Eugenia, please shed some light here and tell me. Do you see love in my life SOON?

Last year I wrote to you and you said that I would meet someone in the latter part of 2006. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

Is there any hope for me yet? When do you think I will meet the right man? I've been alone and have enjoyed it, but it's time to move forward in my life. I do hope to be married one day and have a family. (Whether biological children or adopted).

My DOB is 19/01/70 at 1 am.

Tired yet still hopeful

Dear tired yet still hopeful

Yes indeed you did go through a very fast but short-lived love cycle late last year and you probably met a few people but nothing stuck. It wasn't the strongest transit but none the less one that had potential to lead to romance. It falls in an area of your chart that deals with meeting people through friends, neighbors, and relatives as well as by getting involved in activities with groups or pursuing interests you enjoy. Like taking a course or going on a singles cruise. Although the Internet can be included as a way to meet partners it certainly shouldn't be your first choice. Internet dating can work for some but so many people abuse this service by using it as a dating game instead of being serious. Lots of unhappy married people sit for countless hours connecting with people on internet dating sites because they are lonely in the relationship they are in. Not having to be face to face with someone they can lie, cheat and live in whatever dream world they want to create. This is hurtful to the honest individual who is truly looking for a long-term connection. It is far better to get involved in activities you enjoy so that you meet someone who has similar interests. This way you get to build the friendship first and let love take its course naturally instead of the fast paced internet dating scene that has taken the planet by storm. I tend to think a lot of people consider Internet dating as virtual dating - not real - just play.

Back to your chart - there is no reason why you can't find love. Your natal Venus is nicely positioned in your chart however I do believe that with your natal Saturn being in an area of your chart that deals with relationships that you are prone to marrying later in life rather than earlier and that you are also conservative and quite picky when it comes to a partner and there is nothing wrong with that. Probably even more so why you don't belong in the Internet dating game but will do much better using old fashioned methods to find love.

Although this year isn't bad for love you also have to be careful which partner you pick and that whoever you choose doesn't cost you financially

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