Sunday, 5th May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Cancer

Dear Eugenia

Please help. I once paid for a consultation with you. You said I was moving into a high for the next 2 years. I feel as though nothing has changed. Nothing has come to pass in the consultation given to me. I have been searching for a better job. I did take the initiative, I sent out resumes. I never hear anything back. Not even a call. I have searched and searched and still nothing. I feel as though nothing I do will ever be right. I feel like Salomon swimming against the current and still I can't get ahead. What is my purpose? Nothing ever seems to go right. I get no respect from my co-workers. People are getting promotions that have no clue about the job. What is the purpose? I would really like to go back to school and become a teacher but in the consultation you said you would have liked it if I had tried 14 months prior, The funny thing is I did try during the time frame you said would have been better, but like I said I feel like a salmon swimming against the current. Everything seemed to be going wrong. Work was stressful my daughter needed me. I just couldn't seem to catch my breath. I could not juggle the demands of work and home life. I passed the courses but with lots of tears and stress. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. I could not sign up for another semester. The thought made me cringe. I would really like to go back to school and finish. Is this possible? Will my life continue to be difficult? What do my finances look like? Please be honest with me. I can take it no matter what the outcome is. Bad or Good. Will things get better? Will I ever have a job that gives me satisfaction? Please let me know what is in store for my daughter born 8/15/92 5:09PM. My Husband born 3/17/66 3:05 AM. Did my husband and I do the right thing when we purchased our house 10/16/98. We were married on 10/08/87. Will I ever get the respect for knowing my job and doing it very well? I know my sun sign is Cancer but I believe I am a Taurus at heart. Is this the case? Please Help me. Please shed some light on my dark life. Please !!!!!Please!!!!!! Please!!!!!! Please Help Me!!!!


Dear Cancer

The consultation I sent you has not changed. You should have been signing up with a headhunter and following through with phone calls. Not just sending out a resume and leaving things to chance. The competition is fierce and in order to get ahead you have to work hard for it even when you do have good transits. Part of the problem has also been due to Saturn moving through your Sun sign Cancer. This can be debilitating if you let it get to you. It can also give you the added discipline to follow through. Yes it can make you tired and depressed which can in turn make you your own worst enemy. If you are negative about yourself and your abilities you will give off that vibe and that is never a good way to approach getting ahead. Although Saturn will continue to be moving through your sign and conjunct your natal Mercury it is also favorably aspected to your natal Saturn at the same time. This should be enough to help you get that added drive to move ahead. Unfortunately you were born with your natal Saturn in your first house which gives you that poor me syndrome and nothing every goes my way and when you think that way that is the way things turn out. You have to stop being so negative if you ever want to turn things around. It is a trait that many Cancers or people with lots of planets situated in that sign have. We always apply Murphy's Law to your sign because you always expect everything to turn out badly and the truth of the matter is that if you think it you can make it so. Your chart has been quite well aspected this past year and yet you have continued to hold yourself back. Please don't think I'm being harsh but just because a person has good transits doesn't mean that he or she will be successful. Nothing in life is free and if

Article: From Cancer

Hi Eugenia

I need some serious advice" my husband has serious health problems" and he is also a very bad alcoholic which is getting worse every day" he has been charged with drinking and driving five years ago " but he is starting to do it again " my life is hell with him my question should I start making plans to leave or stay a bit longer? I am Cancer born July 3, 1946, at 2:45 PM; he is Capricorn Jan. 18 1946. Hope you can help me thank you.


Dear Cancer

Hey girl it's time to move on - what are you waiting for. The comparison was anything but good and although I could see your reason for being with him initially once the spark was gone so was the relationship. You are both coming into your Saturn return next year and I feel strongly that you must re-evaluate your position and make the necessary changes. I fear he will not make the effort on his own but should you leave he may be forced to. Regardless you cannot stick around in hopes that he will improve - this relationship has been over for a long time. You are in a high cycle right now for meeting someone new and you are wasting this opportunity by staying in the situation you are in. Take a deep breath, get moving and don't look back.


Article: From Capricorn

Dear Eugenia,

I have dated. I have been engaged a few times but never married (I think I always took marriage too seriously -- and never could promise to do all that marriage entails). I had a loving relationship with a man who had a terminal illness, who died in '95. I have always kept the door open in my heart that I might find a life-long partner, but now I wonder: should I shut the door on this option? I'm not afraid of being alone. I am afraid of nurturing false hope in myself. I was born January 6, 1953, at 5:45 am.

Thank you.

Hi Capricorn

You should never close the door on love, romance, marriage, partnership etc. One of the reasons why you have gone the route but never crossed the line when it came to marriage is due to having your natal Uranus in an area of your chart that deals with relationships opposite your Sun in an area of your chart that deals with your personal outlook. This has probably caused you or your partners throughout life to back away or have a change of heart at the last minute. With transiting Saturn moving into that area of your chart there has never been a better time to find love and get serious then now. Also with your Moon in the sign Virgo it isn't unusual for you to find love or get into a serious relationship during the second half of life. In your case you are moving into a high cycle regarding love right now and you should be out meeting new people. This particular transit can also bring someone from your past back into your life so perhaps if there is someone you still think about you should readdress this relationship. In the past the timing was probably wrong with this person. This is a great year for you creatively, educationally and where growth is concerned. You should be expanding your circle of friends, getting involved in discussions or courses that will alter your philosophy, attitude, lifestyle and outlook. You are going through changes and that is part of the reason you are feeling somewhat concerned or restless about finding love or backing away from it completely. You match up well to those born under the signs Aries, Gemini, early Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces.


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One of the most important areas in our lives concerns love and romance. Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Using Relationship Planner can give you more idea to maximize the success.

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