Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Pisces

Hi Eugenia

I have been in a relationship with a man for 18 years. He is a cancer born July 12, 1959 and I am a Pisces born March 16, 1959 at 10:54 pm. We have been lovers and friends for 16 years and decided to try living together for the last 2 years. He's going through something right now that has caused him to end our relationship. I don't really understand why we can't work things out together. I feel that since we moved in together he hasn't been straightforward or honest with me in what he expected from our "live in" relationship. He feels that if after 2 years we weren't going to get married that I should leave him. In turn, he dumped me. I am devastated, but am not the type to hang around and keep waiting for him to decide what he wants. Do you think we will ever get back together? I believed he was my soul mate. Was I wrong? I'm beginning a new chapter in my life on November 12th. I will be moving into my own place....I will truly miss him, though.


Hi Pisces

Your Cancer partner has been going through emotional confusion that has lead to a change of heart on his part. The comparison between the two of you is actually quite good except his natal Sun falls in an are of your chart that deals with dead end project and unfortunately Saturn has been moving through that part of your chart as well resulting in a spilt up situation. You began to go through your second half life Saturn around the time the two of you moved in together and this resulted in an on going make it or break it cycle. I believe that he may have regrets when things settle down for him in 2006 and that it is possible that he may come back into your life October/November of next year but I must warn you that you have to protect your heart and take your time if you decide that you still want to be with him. You will be in a high cycle regarding love and romance at that time and it is quite possible that you will meet someone who is more certain about what and who he wants in his life. You match up well to those born under that signs Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Your Cancer partner only has his natal Sun in the sign Cancer therefore he does match up to you because of the strong Leo influence in his chart. This means that he does have a lot of common ground with you and you do get along but also that you may have been together to teach one another a life lesson. I wouldn't rule this man out of your life but I certainly would be using the upcoming year to get out and meet new partners. You are youthful, sensitive, giving and there is every indication that you will have more than one soul mate throughout your life. They say that we all have eleven perfect matches on the planet. Just think - you have another ten to find. By joining organizations or through friends, dating services, travel and educational pursuits you are likely to meet someone very special over the course of the next ten months so don't sit around feeling badly because he is confused. Get on with your life and if he happens to come back and you've already met soul mate number two he will be out of luck.


Article: From Lisa

Dear Eugenia,

I have written to you a few times before with no answer. I realize you are VERY busy, but please, I desperately need help! My B.T. is 4/9/69 9:31 pm.

Life has been pretty awful since 2000. I've been in love with a married man ever since then -though I've stayed away- but the feelings barely fade between us. He is a fellow Aires 4/19/66 -sorry I have no birth time for him. My mother-9/16/45 had a heart attack in 2000, a source of much grief for me though she is fine now. I lost my job unfairly and was harassed relentlessly at said job in 2000. I was sexually harassed in 2001 at a new job and subsequently left. Then 9/11 happened which was truly the worst. I started another relationship in late 2001 -with a Virgo man- that came to nothing. I've lost quite a few friends in the last year or so, some that I really needed to be rid of but still I wonder why other people have smooth easy friendships that flow well and last forever. I've been unemployed now for over a year and I don't see things getting better. I just turned 34 and I see no upward trend for the future. I can't seem to find my calling in life in any area. The things I want most constantly elude me (Close relationships with family, a partner to walk through life with, beautiful children, a career I love, close friendships, the lifestyle I dream of). What am I doing wrong? Clearly I have lost my way in the universe somehow and I really need some answers. I want to find my soul mate, have kids, do well in business, and have a full, loving, hectic life. Please help me and see what guidance the stars have for me. Thanks so much for your help and your time.


Hi Lisa

Maybe you should be getting together with the Pisces in my first readers email this week. He is going through similar problems. In your case you have had some rough transits moving through an area that deals with work and friendships and although this is coming to an end it isn't quite over yet. Your predicament regarding your job will change but I must admit it is much better beginning in the fall so if you are interested in picking up added skills in order to take on a new direction or up your earning potential in the area you are already in now is the time to do so. You have been going through a period of change regarding your friends and although it isn't quite over yet it is not uncommon to rid yourself of the dead weight in your life when this type of transit is present. It isn't a bad thing but it does take a lot out of you. Letting go of the past is usually hard even if you are an Aries. You should be getting out and meeting people. Expanding your circle of friends. Trying your hand at the things you enjoy doing and getting involved in something physical that will help you get back on track and use up added energy. With transiting Saturn passing through your eighth house over the next couple of years you are probably not out of the woods with regard to the well being of older family members or the responsibilities that these matters entail. Prepare to give more time to your mother; she will need you by her side.

Being in love with someone who is married usually puts your life in a tailspin for some time however given the fact that he is a fellow Aries and he falls in an area of your chart that deals with social activity and having fun I can see why you were attracted to him but you really must move on. The actual comparison to him wasn't that good and it did indicate emotional mental and physical torment. Signs that are good for you include late Taurus/early Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. You are in a high cycle regarding love, romance and having fun over the next little while so get out and meet potential new mates. To go back or even consider your married friend will be detrimental.


Article: Still Covet The Ex

Dear Eugenia,

First off I want to state that I really enjoy this web site. It's full of information, and best of all it's FREE!!! So, Thanks.Secondly, In the past year I (July 21, 1979, at 4:5; 7 PM) have had a few boyfriends (I use this word lightly) all of whom I have pushed away due to an ever persistent, lingering, thought of my ex (April 5, 1979). We have been apart over a year and even though he has moved on I can't seem to, my heart won't let me. So I continually push away every other guy that comes my way, because really, how fair is it to be with them in mind but not in heart. Things are not made any easier by this recurring dream I have that he is coming back. Though I do realize that I am not the same person I was when I knew him and in turn I am sure he is not the same person that I knew either, I can't seem to forget him. I've tried, but everything seems to remind me of him and "our time". I even went to a professional Tarot card reader and before I could even get comfortable she was telling me what he looked like (even his height), how he acted, and about our relationship together.I went to see her right after our breakup to get a grasp on what was ahead of me, but all she could talk about was how he would be coming back and that things would be better this time. Well, It's been over a year since that reading and he is nowhere in sight, but what I want to know is how do I move on? Sometimes I think I'm ready, then I'll run into him somewhere and pretend not to see him, because the thought of us having idle, meaningless conversation just kills me. Plus, at the sight of him my heart skips a beat, I can feel my face get flushed and my stomach flies away, not to mention my tongue ties in knots. After a year of being apart he still makes me feel like I did the first time I kissed him.Basically, I just want to know what to do. I can't keep pushing away every guy that comes my direction (soon I'll run out of guys). I would appreciate any thoughts or guidance you can offer.

Thinking of Him

Dear Thinking of Him

The comparison with your Aries lover was really quite good. I believe that there is a future with him if you can only get past being afraid to talk to him. Although the timing isn't quite right I do believe that toward the last half of 2001 and the first half of 2002 you may find yourself in a relationship with him once again. For now you should try to form a friendship. Talk to him, enjoy his company when you do see him and see where it leads. You should also continue to try to meet other partners because your Aries friend isn't the only one who will match up well to you. Your chart indicates that you will be in a high cycle for love over the next few years and it is important to get out enjoy yourself. You match up well to those born under the signs Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. By the way your Aries only had the Sun in Aries. His natal chart consists primarily of water signs, Pisces being the most influential with a touch of Cancer and Scorpio.


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