Thursday, 2nd May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Audrey

Dear Eugenia,

I have been reading your advice for many years now and I need your help. I have been working at a job in relatively the same field now for over 20 yrs. I have many fears about leaving and going back to school to study because I don't feel it's the right thing. I keep thinking that I should be my own boss and start a sewing/designing company. I was born June 2,1963 @5:35am. My spouse was born Aug.8, 1962 @7:36pm. I feel he is there to support me most of the time but feel he's secretly jealous of anything I may accomplish beyond what I have so far. I really need to get some clear advise, I know if I have your astrological blessing in whatever I choose, I will succeed beyond my dreams. I was raised in a very strict household where boys were treated with more importance and the girls were expected to learn how to be good, quiet housewives, marry someone that would take care of them. I am not that person, but am still held back by my upbringing. I have so many self-doubts, and feel that I am too old or can't learn. I also don't have the finances to just leave my job and go to school. I just need some guidance. Please help me.


Dear Audrey

Your chart indicates that you should have signed up for higher education already. Favorable transits will be with you until next summer so if you need to pick up skills in order to pursue your dream get busy. See if you can get the courses you need at night school or through correspondence. That way you can keep your job and you won't feel the financial crunch. Starting your own business is not a bad idea during the last quarter of next year however keep in mind that it is important to support your addiction to whatever your art or dream might be so prepare to work double duty by continuing to hold down your day job while you build your own business on the side. I know this may appear to be overwhelming but that is how most successful people get ahead - by working overtime for a few years. In that way it will be less of a risk. The comparison with your husband is okay and certainly workable. I do not feel so much that he is jealous of your accomplishments but really feeling vulnerable that you may outgrow him if you keep moving up in the world. You must make sure that on top of the heavy workload that you are about to take on that you do not neglect him and that you make him feel as if he is a part of it. My suggestions may sound like a tall order but believe me they can be accomplished. I know first hand because I worked in an unrelated field for seven years as I built up my business. So please don't be daunted by my suggestions - instead embrace them.

Your chart does show some problems with health so don't let yourself get rundown just because you are stretched to the limit you still have to eat, sleep and exercise in order to stay strong enough to follow and complete your goals.


Article: From Lisa

Dear Eugenia,

I have written to you a few times before with no answer. I realize you are VERY busy, but please, I desperately need help! My B.T. is 4/9/69 9:31 pm.

Life has been pretty awful since 2000. I've been in love with a married man ever since then -though I've stayed away- but the feelings barely fade between us. He is a fellow Aires 4/19/66 -sorry I have no birth time for him. My mother-9/16/45 had a heart attack in 2000, a source of much grief for me though she is fine now. I lost my job unfairly and was harassed relentlessly at said job in 2000. I was sexually harassed in 2001 at a new job and subsequently left. Then 9/11 happened which was truly the worst. I started another relationship in late 2001 -with a Virgo man- that came to nothing. I've lost quite a few friends in the last year or so, some that I really needed to be rid of but still I wonder why other people have smooth easy friendships that flow well and last forever. I've been unemployed now for over a year and I don't see things getting better. I just turned 34 and I see no upward trend for the future. I can't seem to find my calling in life in any area. The things I want most constantly elude me (Close relationships with family, a partner to walk through life with, beautiful children, a career I love, close friendships, the lifestyle I dream of). What am I doing wrong? Clearly I have lost my way in the universe somehow and I really need some answers. I want to find my soul mate, have kids, do well in business, and have a full, loving, hectic life. Please help me and see what guidance the stars have for me. Thanks so much for your help and your time.


Hi Lisa

Maybe you should be getting together with the Pisces in my first readers email this week. He is going through similar problems. In your case you have had some rough transits moving through an area that deals with work and friendships and although this is coming to an end it isn't quite over yet. Your predicament regarding your job will change but I must admit it is much better beginning in the fall so if you are interested in picking up added skills in order to take on a new direction or up your earning potential in the area you are already in now is the time to do so. You have been going through a period of change regarding your friends and although it isn't quite over yet it is not uncommon to rid yourself of the dead weight in your life when this type of transit is present. It isn't a bad thing but it does take a lot out of you. Letting go of the past is usually hard even if you are an Aries. You should be getting out and meeting people. Expanding your circle of friends. Trying your hand at the things you enjoy doing and getting involved in something physical that will help you get back on track and use up added energy. With transiting Saturn passing through your eighth house over the next couple of years you are probably not out of the woods with regard to the well being of older family members or the responsibilities that these matters entail. Prepare to give more time to your mother; she will need you by her side.

Being in love with someone who is married usually puts your life in a tailspin for some time however given the fact that he is a fellow Aries and he falls in an area of your chart that deals with social activity and having fun I can see why you were attracted to him but you really must move on. The actual comparison to him wasn't that good and it did indicate emotional mental and physical torment. Signs that are good for you include late Taurus/early Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. You are in a high cycle regarding love, romance and having fun over the next little while so get out and meet potential new mates. To go back or even consider your married friend will be detrimental.


Article: Cusp Love

Dear Eugenia,

First, congratulations on an outstanding web cite. Reading your cite for years, I love that you provide your readers with helpful information for their future. You also continuously broaden our education on astrology by offering new techniques or forms of astrology. Your cite is very accurate and precise, even for people born on the cusps. Thank you, because keeping a cite of this quality has to take time and effort on your part.

You probably would have not heard from me, except, that I enjoy your cite so much that I had to write. I recently switched email addresses and switched it in the member information section of your cite; however, I haven't been able to receive my daily horoscope and my monthly newsletter. They have both become addictive. Being this the case I had to write to you. I don't know if I am supposed to subscribe myself to a separate email list. Please inform me.

Since, I finally got the courage to email you, I was wondering if you can clue me in on any astrological signs that might be compatible with me. I have read your cite, the reason I ask this question is because since, I am on the cusp I was wondering if their would be a difference. I did go to a local astrologist recently and he told me to be careful for the first months of the year. Do you see anything weird in my astrological chart for the beginning of this year? My date of birth is October 23, 1973, 1:20pm. I know that you receive tons of letters a day. Please, if because of time you cannot answer my questions, I understand. Please, however, add me to the email list so that I can continue to receive your emails.

Thank You,

Dear M

I have forwarded your email problem to my Webmaster and it will be taken care of. Regarding your compatibility the signs best suited to you are Aries, Leo and Aquarius. You are a Scorpio but you have Leo in an area of your chart that deals with relationships and your natal Venus in Sagittarius. This makes you a candidate for the signs mentioned. However, keep in mind that you should always do a complete comparison in order to make sure that you match up well to whomever you get involved with. You are coming into a high cycle regarding love in April, May and June of this year so get out and do things you enjoy. The more you mingle the greater your chance will be of meeting someone special.


Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Visit Relationship Planner

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