We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle. Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?
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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.
For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.
I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.
The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:
Hi Eugenia
I'm going to be 57 years old born November 22, 1947 at 6 AM, married twice, had a good life well yes and no, don't know what I want, still looking for some thing, why am I so mixed up, I still don't know what I want to be or what I'm here for, love traveling, but would really like a goal in life before it's over, I plan to live a long life could you point me in the right direction, I'm a very confused Cusp you said I'm a Scorpio but feel more like a Sagittarius ....please help me okay .I think your so very very good I read all your letters ,you must be very special great gift you have ...
Hi James
I'm surprised you've only been married twice after viewing your chart. You do have just as much Sagittarius in your chart as Scorpio but the sign Leo appears to influence you even more. Having your natal Venus in Sagittarius well aspected I don't think you have a problem meeting partners nor do I think you are one to totally commit. The past couple of years and for the next couple of years you are being hit by a transiting planet that is causing great confusion and although this can make it difficult to find a direction it can also open doors and lead you down some very creative and unpredictable pathways that will help contribute to where you end up by around 2008. This can mean a complete lifestyle change but you must be careful not to let someone else be your guru so to speak. I believe when it comes to reaching or fulfilling your goals you tend to hold yourself back from what you really and truly want to do. You must travel back in time and think about your earliest aspirations and if you haven't gone down that road it may be time to take courses or do whatever is necessary in order to fulfill these desires. Love is in a high cycle between now and late summer of next year and you will meet potential partners if you travel or get involved in something that interests you or possibly by getting involved in a totally different way of life than what you are used to. You have a good chart but you are right about being confused. The only way to use this transit that is causing all your confusion positively is to get involved in a creative endeavor, a relationship or a different way of living.
Dear Eugenia
I'm a Cancer (7/6/69 2.40 am, Gemini asc.) who's looking for a long-term partner. I tend to look out only for guys of compatible signs, cause I'm thinking that they're the only ones that could yield a healthy long-term relationship. In the last year I find I've been meeting a lot of Libras (clashes with my sun) and Virgos (clashes with my Gemini asc.) but I've not pursued them for the reasons stated. I've read that compatible sun sign relationships are more likely to grow together over the years whereas incompatible sun sign relationships were more likely to grow apart over the years. Am I guilty of Sun sign prejudice (smile), or just taking the astrology thing a little too seriously? Please help.
Nest-building Cancer
Dear Nest-building Cancer
One thing that most people don't realize is that to use astrology to the degree that is required for the purposes of compatibility you must do a complete astrological comparison between yourself and the person you are interested in. This can be done on my www.astroadvice.com website for free. You just need to register to be a member (again, membership is free and also have your partners day, month, year and if possible time and place of birth for complete accuracy). This compatibility feature will give you all the pros and cons of the relationship.
According to the date time and place that you have submitted you are in fact born under the sign Cancer but that's where is ends You have a Taurus ascendant not Gemini, two planets in Virgo well aspected to your Venus in Taurus which makes both Virgo and Taurus a good fit and Uranus in Libra in your fifth house using equal house method and sixth using placidus which means that this sign is better to socialize or work with.
In the area of your chart that deals with partnerships you have the sign Scorpio and this makes that sign Compatible as well. Sagittarius and Gemini fall in your second and eighth house the eighth being dead-end projects and the second an offshoot of the eighth making these signs the least likely especially with the Virgo that you have in your chart. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, late Capricorn and Pisces should be the better signs for you.
Dear Eugenia,
First of all I would like to mention that I love your website! It has helped guide me through many blessings and problems in my life this year. My question is, I have had three love relationships with men who were born in early April and who share the same birthplace (Stockton, CA). Man #1 04/02/64, man #2 04/04/64, man #3 04/06/68. I also have a very close female friend, who I have known since high school. Her birth date is 04/02/64 born in Japan (Weird, same birth date as man #1). Am I destined to have close personal relationships with those born in early April or is it just a coincidence? My birth date is 01/17/65 10:10pm.
I am currently involved with the man born on 04/06/68 and we have been dating for 8 months. Recently we had an argument and I have not heard from him.I am in love with him and I hope that we can work things out. I feel that he may be confused and he is struggling between his feelings for me and his need for independence. Will he come back to me soon?
Thank you for your help,
Dear Kim
You were born with the sign Aries in an area of your chart that deals with partnerships, relationships and so forth so it's no surprise that you attract people born under that sign. You do however have a strong earthy chart and this can be difficult if you want to have a lasting relationship with someone of an Aries nature. It is necessary to give Aries space. At the same time you must keep up with an Aries and be a challenge as well. You have a lot of Capricorn and Virgo in your chart giving you the drive, determination and the know-how when it comes to dealing with different personality types. In the case of your most recent Aries boyfriend I believe that with the amount of Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces that he has in his chart that the relationship is workable. You are right, he is confused and he could also be lured away by someone else right now. He is sensitive for an Aries and if you hurt his feelings you may have to be extremely nice, accommodating and giving in order to win him back. I believe that he is very uncertain about his future and his direction and if you push him he will only run in the opposite direction. If he hasn't met someone else and he does decide to come back it will be rocky until August. If he won't budge or he has in fact met someone else I don't believe that this new person will be good for him and it is possible that mid next year he may want to come back at that time. Either way it is quite possible that you will get back together.