Monday, 6th May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From In Need of Help

Hi Eugenia

First, I enjoy your website and read the daily scope every day. I am married for the second time to a Sagittarius [12/5/1946] who is incapable of returning my love. As we approach retirement, I find that I am unable to look forward to any happiness while I am with this person. He is at the same time, dependent on me financially, ignores me in public, blocks all emotion and has an addiction to alcohol and he refuses to deal with it. I am wondering if I were to cut the ties, let him go, will he be able to recover? He is so good at hiding his emotions, I am not sure whether he has them or not. Additionally, I have not had a fortunate family life, either as a child, or as an adult. If I were to divorce this man, is there any hope of finding happiness with anyone else? I look to you to let me know. I was born November 13, 1950 at 11:23 pm. Thanks,

In Need of Help

Hi In Need of Help

The comparison was not that great however there were signs that when you originally got together there was some passion and good times. Your husband does not have an addictive chart in the sense that he can't recover but he does have some strong psychological problems that I believe will require serious counseling. This is probably why he is drowning his sorrows or poor me syndrome in alcohol. Unfortunately for him this is his problem and he is the only one who can solve it. I suggest that you get out and do so now. Make sure that you cover yourself legally and don't be afraid to use the word abusive relationship when you go to your lawyer. Your husband has been abusive by ignoring you to the point that you don't have a loving or even caring relationship. This is a lonely situation to end up in. You will be in a high cycle regarding love next year so I suggest that you get yourself out of this situation as soon as possible so that you have time to reorganize your life, discover what like to do, who you are as a single person and what you want in a partner. You match up to those born under the signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn. Get moving and good luck.


Article: From Heidi

Dear Eugenia

I am currently faced with a crisis situation, which involves my 16-year-old son. Two years ago he was accused of having sexually molesting his 3-year-old stepsister. He has insisted and maintained his innocence. I am a believer looking at reality and I know that there is a possibility he may have committed this act but evidence having been tested came back negative and the authorities have basically closed the case but now his stepmother has had a nervous breakdown and is undergoing psychiatric care. She has been working on this situation in her mind for two years now trying to figure out the truth that has basically greatly affected her mental and emotional health. I have been trying to keep myself on a balance trying to get facts and am absolutely not fooling myself that this couldn't possibly have happened and I would like to help my son in any way I can. My own lifestyle includes a twelve-step program, as I am a recovered alcoholic for just about ten years now. I have tried to detach to a certain extent and take it one 24 period at a time but I feel so bad for my son and everyone else I don't know what to do. If you have some advice that may help give me some semblance of serenity I would greatly welcome it. In the meantime I will continue to pray and meditate. I was born March 10, 1959, at 8:35 am.

With sincerest thanks

Dear Heidi

I can see your struggle and the pain and endurance you have had to go through but I really need your son's and his stepmothers birth data to give you the answers that I believe you are looking for. As for you, I feel that you are putting way too much pressure on yourself. You can't account for everyone else. If you can supply me with the information I need I will try to accommodate you as I'm sure all my readers would like to know more about your situation. You are a strong woman who took a detour in life that was definitely a learning experience but the fact that you picked yourself up and took the high road is proof enough that you have what it takes to move forward and not let the dilemmas of those around you drag you down. The area in your chart that deals with children is undergoing changes right now and this probably has something to do with your eldest son however not knowing how many children you have or how many might be living with you I can't be sure. Your home environment and the area of your chart that deals with legal matters or getting help is in a high cycle until the end of the year so take advantage of this if possible. The changes coming your way I believe are good and with a little effort and focusing on yourself for a change much can be accomplished. Please send in the remainder of the data I require so that I may assist you further.


Article: From Nest-Building Cancer

Dear Eugenia

I'm a Cancer (7/6/69 2.40 am, Gemini asc.) who's looking for a long-term partner. I tend to look out only for guys of compatible signs, cause I'm thinking that they're the only ones that could yield a healthy long-term relationship. In the last year I find I've been meeting a lot of Libras (clashes with my sun) and Virgos (clashes with my Gemini asc.) but I've not pursued them for the reasons stated. I've read that compatible sun sign relationships are more likely to grow together over the years whereas incompatible sun sign relationships were more likely to grow apart over the years. Am I guilty of Sun sign prejudice (smile), or just taking the astrology thing a little too seriously? Please help.

Nest-building Cancer

Dear Nest-building Cancer

One thing that most people don't realize is that to use astrology to the degree that is required for the purposes of compatibility you must do a complete astrological comparison between yourself and the person you are interested in. This can be done on my website for free. You just need to register to be a member (again, membership is free and also have your partners day, month, year and if possible time and place of birth for complete accuracy). This compatibility feature will give you all the pros and cons of the relationship.

According to the date time and place that you have submitted you are in fact born under the sign Cancer but that's where is ends You have a Taurus ascendant not Gemini, two planets in Virgo well aspected to your Venus in Taurus which makes both Virgo and Taurus a good fit and Uranus in Libra in your fifth house using equal house method and sixth using placidus which means that this sign is better to socialize or work with.

In the area of your chart that deals with partnerships you have the sign Scorpio and this makes that sign Compatible as well. Sagittarius and Gemini fall in your second and eighth house the eighth being dead-end projects and the second an offshoot of the eighth making these signs the least likely especially with the Virgo that you have in your chart. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, late Capricorn and Pisces should be the better signs for you.


Astrology teaches us that there are different times of the year that highlight specific areas within that topic such as Dating, Breaking Up, Chance Encounters, etc. Visit Relationship Planner

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Birthday / Numbers

May 6th 2024
Happy Birthday: Pay attention to detail this year. The little extras you apply to whatever you do will benefit the outcome. Personal improvements, as well as helping others, are featured. The payback will encourage you to make changes that allow you more time to recognize and take advantage of opportunities. Deal with responsibilities directly and swiftly to ensure you have time to do what makes you happy. Your numbers are 8, 12, 23, 29, 31, 38, 47.

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