Tuesday, 7th May, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Jason

Dear Eugenia

I just met this really wonderful girl. She makes me feel really happy when I am around her. This past Friday night we went on our very first date where we were actually alone. We went for dinner and a movie. I haven't felt this way around a girl since my last girlfriend. We broke up about one year ago. Before that we were together for six years. Anyways I just wanted to know if you think that this is the girl for me. I was born November 14, 1982 at 7:47 am and she was born March 12, 1980.

Thank you.

Dear Jason

I find it hard to believe that you could possibly match up to your last girlfriend as well as you do to your Pisces friend. This is a match made in heaven barring a few minor exceptions, those being the fact that you are both still very young and that she is going through so many changes right now. Without her time of birth I can't tell you where these changes will take place but sometimes it can cause a sudden change of heart if it falls in the personal area of a chart or it can cause jumping from one job to another if it falls in a professional area. This can only be determined by her time of birth. I do believe however that if you compromise, keep things light and you build a solid and strong friendship that a passionate and long lasting relationship can and will follow.


Article: From Virgo

Dear Eugenia,

I have had my chart done by a respected astrologer. She determined that I was a Virgo with Leo Rising. This pairing, along with some propitious planets, induced her to say that I have a flair for communication, writing, and a gift for gab. Most would agree with that. In my life, I have been involved with scientific research and law, however I still yearn for a bohemian lifestyle in publishing and the producing of film. Do you see that happening in midlife as my astrologer did? With Jupiter transiting over my natal Jupiter and then Ascendant, I would think things look favorable. The astrologist also said that because my Venus and Saturn are conjunct, I was relatively unlucky in matters of family and love. However, she forecast someone unique and different coming into my life, kind of like me and compatible. What do you think? I was born September 18, 1954, at 2:35 AM


Dear Virgo

You are a Virgo by Sun Sign only and yes your Sun does fall in your third house of communications but it is only favorably aspected to your Jupiter and Uranus in your twelfth house which doesn't usually allow the communications to come through in a professional manner. With regard to working in research and with law the twelfth house does play a role, as does medical research, working with institutions etc. I believe that your writing and publishing is more of a hobby than a moneymaker but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try nor does it mean that you can't get somewhere with it if you are willing to put in the 300 percent and long hours it takes to actually live that type of lifestyle. With Jupiter moving through your twelfth house you should have an opportunity to make some career moves however as it hits your ascendant that is usually an indication that you can gain weight as well as blow situations out of proportion. Keep in mind that your natal Uranus and Jupiter are square your natal Neptune and this can cause you to be disillusioned about what you do. Regarding love your Venus was in a favorable position last year however if you didn't get out and meet people you may have missed the opportunity. Although the Saturn Venus conjunction can cause problems in love it is also well aspected to your North and South Node and this usually has a favorable affect on this conjunction. You should always look to the ruler of the seventh house regarding partnerships especially in a case like yours where there is no planet in that house. The ruler is Uranus in your case and you have your natal Uranus in Cancer conjunct Jupiter sextile to your natal Sun and square your natal Neptune. This can mean that your relationships begin and end suddenly, there you do meet people you like but they are usually w not available, that you can meet through your work however they could end up being more of a secret affair. Now I'm not saying that you can't find love and quite frankly right now while transiting Jupiter is crossing over your natal Uranus it is a good time to meet someone however be smart about it and always have an astrological comparison done. You can acquire this information right off my www.astroadvice.com website.


Article: The Skills to Pay the Bills

Dear Eugenia

I have a problem... my mom is falling apart. My older brother is making my mom's life hell. I try to comfort her but she is in great pain. I am leaving in 5 days, to live with my boyfriend. I don't want to leave my mom. But I am 20 years old and it's time for me to move on with my life, and grow to be a stronger person. I can't protect her from him and I am scared what he will do to her when I am not there for her. I love my mom very much and what my brother is doing to her is killing me inside and out.

I know that this letter is not very spiritual, but I was hoping for a little advice on what I could do for my mom. My mom was born December 13,1957. I was born April 19,1980, at 4 AM. All I want is help!

Mother Love

Dear Mother Love

Without your brothers birth data it's hard for me to know what he is capable of doing. Regarding your mother she has to be the one to say no to him, not you. Until your mother is ready to practice tough love nothing will change. If he continually does things to hurt her she should not allow him access to her home. She must protect herself; you can't do that for her. You have to make your own choices and follow your own dreams. Your chart indicates that a move is apparent however you may be able to entice your mother to follow suit and move closer to you sometime next year. Your chart indicates that you should be able to do well in the work force. You have lots of good ideas and certainly the energy to reach your goals. You didn't submit your boyfriend's chart so I can't really make a comment on how well you'll do together. You must not let him stand in the way of your goals. It will be important that you learn the skills necessary if you want to advance professionally. Don't sell yourself short. You are bright, have social skills and can do very well given the right background. Your versatility and charm will help you get ahead.


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