We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle. Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?
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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.
For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.
I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.
The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:
Dear Eugenia,
I am going through a breakup in my marriage of 15 years. It has been a very rocky marriage with control and mistrust on my part, and dishonesty and no loyalty on her part, and we haven't been friends in a long time, to name the most major problems. We were in turmoil for 4 weeks before we had an argument and then have been separated for 5 weeks now and have really had some nasty times. Some of the things she has said are very hurtful, and I don't know what is true and what is not. I think that most men would not stick around to hear the things she has been saying, but for some reason I can't seem to stop loving her and wanting her to come back to build on what we have or had. I have heard that she hasn't been in love with me in years- she was just "settling" or "getting by". I do now recognize some signs of her feeling this way, but I have a hard time seeing it being as much as she says. When we weren't mad at each other, there was always holding hands, cuddling, kissing, that type thing that after 15 years a lot of partners don't do as much as we did. I have really come to the realization that my mistrust and controlling manners have to change no matter what- and we're very misplaced with her. Basically, I realize that she came home to me every night, and now she doesn't- that's all that matters to me now. She wants some space to figure out who she is and has sometimes said things that give me hope (false hope is how she words it). She has also said several times that it is over and she just wants to move on. I can't seem to get my head into "moving on" as every one tells me to. I also can't seem to leave her alone and give her space. I am obsessed with trying to talk to her to start becoming friends- but it just makes her angrier and turns into a nasty fight sometimes. I don't know how to control my urge to not leave her alone because my whole life seems to be just falling apart without her beside me.
Can you guide me into a more secure or comfortable place?
Sorry I don't know the time of her or my birth. Her day was May 2/60 and mine is Sept. 11/66.
Dear Virgo
The comparison does indicate trouble. There is a lack of trust and communication along with deception and anger. Uncertainty will always be a problem between the two of you regardless of whether you stay together or not. You need to let go. You have a good chart and if you can only realize that you were totally mismatched regarding your values and hers you might be able to move on. You match up to people born under the signs Taurus (not her - I'll explain later), Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. She may be a Taurus but only by Sun sign. She has her natal Mercury and Venus in the sign Aries and this sign does not match up to you at all. Mercury and Venus represent the way she thinks and communicates along with her morals, ethics and Venus represent the way she loves etc. What actually drew you together was the fact that you both have your Moon in the sign Cancer but that isn't enough to make a relationship work. She is erratic and can change her mind very rapidly. She wants to have fun and she needs freedom to come and go as she pleases. You need companionship, trust and someone who wants to be with you all the time. This connection just won't work that way. We are who we are and as much as either one of you may want to change I fear that the same problems will continually surface. You are headed toward lots of changes and you have to wrap your head around that and accept the inevitable. Should she even entertain the thought of getting back together it wouldn't be long before she would want to move on again. Let go and start anew. I believe that she has decided to do just that. The only time I see a possible reconciliation is this fall however as I mentioned before - should you get back together it would only be for a short period of time be
Hi there!
I do realize that Saturn is in my sign now (6/28/52, at 2:15 pm), but it appears that I can't seem to get ahead with my finances, love, etc... I am so tired all the time, I had a physical and all is ok, maybe "It's depression". I have no energy and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am a gay male who hasn't been in love for ages. I do thank God that my present job is very creative. I started this job right before Mercury retrograde and before Saturn entered Cancer, nearly two years ago. It is also a different career move I took. I literally had no knowledge on this present job, but my gut feeling told me to take it and the job and I took like a duck to water. Any answers about money, love and energy?
Curious Cancer
Hi Curious Cancer
When Saturn passes through your Sun sign and you have as many natal planets in that sign as you do it certainly will affect several areas of your life. Energy no doubt will be low and dealing with any form of communication, transportation, learning etc would be down right impossible. Where love is concerned it certainly would have put the kibosh on getting into the kind of relationship that is solid, lasting and secure. However there is plenty to look forward to in the not to distant future. This summer although there may be some setback at work or with the direction you are headed you mustn't worry. With transiting Saturn beginning to move across the top of your chart it should bring you some recognition and advancement as well. Love and romance will begin a high cycle at the end of the year and remain with you throughout most of 2006 so prepare to get out and mingle with singles. Your energy will start to come back mid summer but not before you go through a bit of a depression. Just remember that the pendulum swings and for as bad as it gets it will get equally as good. You match up well to those born under the signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.
Dear Eugenia,
I was born on February 26th 1979 in Split, Croatia,20 minutes past midnight. I am really concerned about 2 different aspects of my life and I need your help. I would like to know if my career choice-becoming an actress-is the right one for me. I am very ambitious and also interested in the financial aspect of my work and sometimes I am uncertain if this is the right choice for me. For some time I`ve been involved in fashion business, but I didn`t have the success I expected although I had worked hard. Sometimes I just feel that I will never be able to realize myself professionally and I do not want to end up being frustrated. Please help me with these career problems. 2.I`m having problems with my relationship which lasts for almost 5 years. He was born on August 13th 1961 in Kotor, Yugoslavia at 5am. We have a wonderful 7 months old son and deep down I know I love him, but I`m getting more and more unsatisfied with my relationship. I need your advice about this very much. Also, can you just very briefly tell me about his health. I know these questions may be to long, but I would really appreciate your time and effort. Also, do you send your answers
Family Matters
Dear Family Matters
Regarding your career, I do believe that you have talent. This however, does not always equate to being successful. The problem appears to be more to do with self-deception and disillusionment. This often is the case when you are born with your natal Neptune adversely aspected to your natal Mercury as you were. I believe that you are quite attractive and this has always attributed to your success in the past. Most professional gains stem from frustration, hard work and more importantly dedication and good timing. You should be striving to go on as many auditions as possible if that's the career path you want to pursue. I do feel that much of your talent lies in an area that deals with fashion and design. You may not have given this career enough time. Success does not happen over night. The relationship with your husband was actually quite good. I feel certain that you can provide greater opportunity for one another. Your husbands chart indicates that he is moving into a high cycle where his career is concerned and that is where he should be putting his greatest effort this year. He is going through many changes regarding his attitude and his likes and dislikes. His chart does not indicate major health problems. At least nothing that can't be controlled. The past few years due to transiting planets illness may have occurred. If this is the case I feel that he should continue to follow a healthy lifestyle as reoccurring transits could cause future problems. On the whole his chart indicates that he usually lands on his feet.
You did not submit your son's birth data and that is unfortunate considering how much a child's chart can reveal about his parents.