Tuesday, 30th April, 2024

We've all experienced times of conflict and personal struggle.  Times when the assistance and advice of a friend always seemed to lend comfort and ease the burden. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if that friend was one of the world's most revered astrologers, with over 25 years of experience?

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I have decided to put more time and energy into my research. It’s been a pleasure to answer your emails and to help you through some of life’s tough journeys. Everyone who has participated in my Dear Eugenia column has enriched my life and I hope I have improved yours as well.

For those of you who wish to contribute birth data to my research, please enter your information to my medical astrology research listed on my home page. This research is explicitly dealing with cancer and mental health – addiction illness. The focus is on early diagnosis and preventative medicine.

I want to stress how important it is to submit complete and accurate birth data – the time and place of birth.

The following are our 'Dear Eugenia' letters archive:

Article: From Libra

Dear Eugenia

Where to start. First of all I guess that I should tell you that I met my husband and I have been with my husband for 20 years. Married for 17. Beautiful children. I have been very unhappy for a longtime. My husband is verbally, mentally, and worst of all physically abusive. I live everyday in fear, and am always trying to make everything happy and peaceful. I am always living planning the next step of the day out to make sure that it is going to make him happy. I am the bread winner in the family, I have to take care of all of the other responsibilities to, cooking, cleaning, bills, children, laundry, and even making his phone calls for his job etc for him. I should mention that he does work as well, but that is his only responsibility. I feel like an awful person for what I am about to tell you, but I have gotten to the point of being desperate for an answer. About 9 years ago, I met our now best friend. He has always been so nice to me. He is a very patient kind person. He is also in a relationship (not married, but do live together) and has wonderful children. His partner is a very angry person and yells constantly at her children it is so sad. I am very close with his children and love them very much. I have always had feelings for him, however never had said anything. We have always sat up and talked for hours on end when he has come over. About 2 1/2 years ago we were sitting and talking and it came out that we both had feelings for each other. I have never been so shocked, I never would have guessed. He told me at the time that he didn't know what to do, as he couldn't imagine waking up and not being in the same house as his children, that they were his life, and I think that is wonderful. We seem to go in spurts of calling each other, and then periods of not calling each other. However, neither one of us seem to be able to talk about our feelings. We have kissed, and it has been truly wonderful. But I do feel very guilty. I cannot stop thinking about him, I think of him when I wake up, through the day, when I go to bed. It's driving me crazy. I wonder if you can tell me what he is thinking. What he feels for me? My birthday is October 9, 1971, his is April 18, 1977, and my husband's is September 7, 1970. If you could please offer me any insight I would be truly grateful.


Dear Libra

First of all I want to deal with your relationship with your husband. You don't have one, nor do you need him in your life. You are only teaching your children that it is okay for a man to be abusive to a woman and that in it self is wrong and should have been enough for you to move on with your kids long ago.

It appears to me the only reason you are considering doing so now is because you have someone else in your life but that is not the way to start off a good relationship. I understand why you are attracted to your friend but the comparison although superior to the one with your husband it still isn't great. It is apparent that the connection with your friend is Karmic and I believe his debt is to help you remove yourself and your children from the miserable situation you have put up with for too long however after that it will be time for you to move on and start over.

You do not need your husband so cut your losses and get on with your life. You've already wasted too much time and the damage that the kids have endured watching you being abused are probably insurmountable at this point.

Your chart indicates that you probably should have made your move last year but it's still not too late if you take action immediately. As for your love life - it will pick up during the second half of this year once you have rid yourself of the dead weight you've been living with for so many years. What were you thinking when you married this man - it is seldom I see two people stay together as long as the two of you have when you

Article: From Libra

Dear Eugenia

I am always very happy but my problem is always money.

I have recently ended a 9 year relationship with a Leo.

Do you think I will ever find that mister right? I was born October 20, 1959, at 8 am.


>Dear Libra

Although you have another year of hard work ahead of you it is a great time to learn, pick up new skills, raise your earning potential until about this time next year. After that you will be in a high cycle where work, employment and higher wages are concerned. How much more you earn will be directly linked to how much knowledge you pick up this year. Regarding love you will also find it much easier during the fall of next year but that doesn't mean that you won't meet someone before that time. It just means that you are likely to become more serious at that time. Try to focus on work and money for now as well as getting involved in organizations that you believe in or educational pursuits that will bring you in contact with people who have similar interests. There is no reason why you can't meet Mr. Right but a Leo probably isn't going to be the one. You match up well to Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.


Article: A Question Of Faith

Dear Eugenia

I would like to say how inspiring and insightful I find www.astroadvice.com. I regularly visit, to guide me in my day to day activities and to avoid any unpleasant situations, this has allowed me to live very happily and to be more focused.

I am considering getting married to my partner (6.5.67)Taurus.

When we met it was as though fate had brought us together and that everything that we both had wished for in a partner, had come true. Being together for almost 4 years we had to climb mountains and brave the dragons to reach the stars. And we both feel that it is fate that has given us the ability to strengthen the love we share. Side by side we share a dream.

I received a reading suggesting my partner betrayed me, I have expressed my concerns with him and he denies any such thing. But my intuition is shouting at me to investigate this further. Any insights you could share with me would be helpful in putting my thoughts into perspective so I can proceed with my plans.

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.

Dear Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.

I must say that I believe you are overreacting and if you continue to do so your Taurus friend may get fed up and start to hide things from you for fear that you will overreact once again. There are usually several ways of interpreting a reading. I would assume that it had to do with transiting Neptune opposing your natal Moon. This can also mean that you are deceiving yourself at an emotional level. When writing short readings it is difficult to include all the alternatives. The comparison you have with your partner is okay but there wasn't a great amount of interaction between the two charts. You have to question whether this is your soul mate or just someone you have a close and comfortable connection to. If you are happy with the friendship you have built together so be it however if you are accusing him of betraying you I feel that you have greater problems. You are heading into your Saturn return and this will make you reevaluate your life and your motives. If you have questions about your partner now you should consider open and honest communication before you drive a wedge between the two of you.


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