Quick View Daily Horoscope


(February 19 - March 20)

September 25th 2024
Tie up loose ends and focus on wealth, health, and legalities. A steady push forward will pay off and raise your profile. Networking and socializing will lead to exciting prospects that excite your mind and enthusiasm. Trust your instincts and secure your plans. Love is on the rise. 5 stars

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Dear Eugenia

Out For Lunch

Dear Eugenia

I quit my job last November to start a new business. But I have had such difficult times since last that time. Because the business I planned has almost failed and now I don't ea ...

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Birthday / Numbers

September 25th 2024
Happy Birthday: Pay attention, and choose the path leading to accomplishment. Spend less time articulating and more time building your dreams. Change begins with you, a plan, a budget, and the cooperation of those you want to include in your life achievements. Don't let your emotions and ego ruin your plans. Stay balanced, be direct, and concentrate on your destination; you will find the path to victory. Your numbers are 2, 14, 23, 27, 36, 41, 44.

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