March 14th 2025
You'll have a revelation if you test your strengths and courage, introducing who you are and what you enjoy to those you encounter today. Don't sell yourself short; you have more to offer than you realize, and the right people will help you discover how special and talented you are. Embrace life. 3 stars
Dear Eugenia,
I am going through a breakup in my marriage of 15 years. It has been a very rocky marriage with control and mistrust on my part, and dishonesty and no loyalty on her par ...
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March 14th 2025
Happy Birthday: Pay attention to your inner voice, and you'll recognize how to handle whatever situation you encounter this year. This year favors observation, restructuring, and defining what's important to you. Fine-tune money matters and fix your surroundings to ensure you are not wasting time, energy, or savings. Choose to pick up the pace regarding health and happiness. Physical fitness and romance are in your best interest. Your numbers are 5, 18, 24, 29, 32, 36, 40.