
Weekly Horoscope (Sagittarius)

(November 22 - December 21)
January 26, 2025 to February 1, 2025

Trust and believe in yourself and your ability on the 26th instead of letting someone else step in and take over. Emotions will surface, and voicing your opinion will help deter someone from taking advantage of you. Handle your money and possessions carefully. Refrain from letting anyone bully their way into your personal life or push you in a direction that doesn’t benefit you. You’ll gain insight into how best to use your skills, experience, and knowledge to advance on the 29th and 30th. Present your plans to someone you may want to partner with, but set guidelines regarding money and who gets the final word. Listen, verify what you hear, and proceed alone on the 31st and 1st. Someone will manipulate you if you give them the chance.

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